Chapter 3

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The gang was sleeping soundly in their pile. All dreaming peacefully until Kali was woken up by a small creaking sound and looked to see the castle door open a crack. 

What she saw next completely surprised her. 

"Huh?" The tomboy squinted her eyes towards the door, until they soon went wide eyed at what she saw come out. 

There, coming out through the door, were two little snowmen, who almost looked like Olaf, only smaller. 

"Guys? Guys!" Kali quickly shook the others awake. 

"What is it?" Ann groaned, waking up from her nap. 

Everyone soon looked over to see what Kali was fussing about and gasped, watching to their surprise these two strange little snowmen wander into the courtyard and walk right past the gang. 

"Whaa?..." The kids couldn't believe what they were seeing. 

"Hello" Olaf smiled to the two little snowmen, who jumped on Sven's nose, waking the reindeer up, and then onto the table. 

Kristoff tried to grab them, but ended up spilling the punch bowl all over himself and Sven. 

"They're cute" Ann cooed, referring to the little snowmen.

"They're adorable" Teeders added.

"They're a hazard!" Cynthia cried out, as the gang quickly realized these little snowmen were wrecking all of the gang's hard work in the courtyard. 

Just then, a few more little snowmen came out through the doors. 

"What the heck?!" The adventure kids eyes widened. 

"They're multiplying!" David gasped. 

"Well don't just stand there! Help me round up these varmints!" Kali told her friends, before starting to help Kristoff and Sven catch these little pests. 

The gang started chasing after these little snowmen all around, trying to stop them from causing trouble. 

Olaf however was overjoyed, scooping a few up in his arms and hugged them. "Little brothers!"  

Just then, even more tiny snowmen quickly scurried out into the courtyard. Olaf gasped with delight and followed after them. 

The rest of the gang though was starting to panic, as this was becoming a big problem. 

"What the heck are these things?" Jacob asked. 

"Where did they come from?" Brock added. 

"I don't know, but we gotta stop them" Kali said, before helping Kristoff chase a few more snowmen, rounding them up like sheep. 

A group of tiny snowmen then stopped in front of the cake, looking excited once they spotted it. 

"Uh, oh" Some of the kids groaned, realizing once the way how the snowmen were staring at the cake. 

"Everyone, don't let them get the cake!" Kali warned the others. 

The gang started chasing these little mischievous snowmen, trying to keep them away from eating the cake. 

Kristoff noticed a few snowmen stacked up next to the cake, about to eat it. But with the iceman's quick thinking, he took Olaf's head and used it as a bowling ball, knocking all the snowmen down with a strike. 

"Nice!" David complimented Kristoff. 

The gang then noticed more and more snowmen kept coming out through the door and into the courtyard. 

"Guys! Help me block the door!" Kali called.

Kali, David and Teeders started placing chairs, tables, anything to block the door and keep the little snowmen from coming out. 

A few of the snowmen then knocked the birthday banner down. 

"I can fix it!" Olaf said, grabbing a few of the sheets. 

The little snowmen started to try and get a bite out of the cake again, but luckily Kristoff managed to defend the cake successfully again, catching all the little snowmen in a bowl. 

"All fixed" Olaf then said, having put the banner back in place. 

But sense Olaf had clearly mentioned earlier he couldn't read or spell, all the letters on the banner were mixed up. 

"Dry Banana Hippy Hat?" The gang read the banner. 

Ann decided to help Olaf out, fixing the banner correctly this time. 

"Oh, Elsa is going to kill us" Brock panicked. 

"Wait!" Jacob then suddenly realized something. "Don't you think Elsa might be the one who caused for these... things to appear?" he asked the others. 

"It is a highly possibility" Kali admitted. 

But then the gang got distracted when they started seeing tiny snowmen falling out from the top of the balcony. 

"WHAT?!? WHAT?!?" Some of the kids exclaimed out of shock. 

"Now they're falling out of the sky?!?!" Cynthia cried. 

"Oh, come on!" Ann groaned. 

The gang was going to need a miracle if they were going to get this mess fixed up. 

Meanwhile, Elsa had taken Anna out on a birthday scavenger hunt, following a string to all her presents while Elsa sang a special birthday song to her little sister. 

But, Elsa was also feeling worse as her cold was getting her sicker. 

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