Chapter 5

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Up on the very top of the north mountain at Elsa's old ice palace, a knock was heard on the door. 

The door was answered by Marshmallow, and he was quite surprised by what he saw. 

Jacob had come along with Kristoff and the others to bring the snowgies here, as they would now be living with Marshmallow in the ice castle. 

"Do you think Marshmallow will like them?" Ann asked the others, referring about the snowgies. 

"Eh, I'm sure he'll manage" Brock shrugged his shoulders at his twin sister. 

Olaf began leading all the little snowgies inside while saying all their names he had given them. 

The kids were trying to keep the swarm of tiny snowmen in line while David got out a clipboard. 

"Alright everyone, single file line" David told the snowgies like some school teacher. 

"And remember, no kicking, shoving, pushing, biting, scratching, fighting, running, swimming, drowning, giggling, snuggling, sitting, sleeping, farting, racing, falling, sliding, sneezing, licking, jumping, yelling, horse-playing, hide and seeking, achieving..." 

"And especially no snowball throwing" David reminded.  

A snowball was then suddenly thrown in David's face by a snowgie. 

David sighed in annoyance. "What did I just say?" 

Marshmallow looked on in confusion then turned back at Kristoff. 

"Don't ask..." Kristoff sighed, before removing his hat to reveal that another snowgie had been hiding underneath it. 


"That's all folks!" 


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