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Today I went to get my blood draw and it doesn't hurt but every time I see a needle I get scared.... So I'm gonna tell u Rj and i's text....
Rj: hi
Me: hi
Rj: why did u leave early today?
Me: I'm about to get shots... 😒
Rj: oh
Me: I'm scared to get shots!!!!😭😫
Rj: Don't be scared it doesn't hurt... We'll kinda feels weird but that's okay☺️
Me: Ur so nice!!! I'll try not to be scared
Rj: ☺️
Me: it's almost my turn!!!😭😬
Rj: you will be ok... 😋
Me: I'm done yay! It didn't hurt... It felt like a baby pinch when they put the needle in and took it out!
Rj: yay

Ok... So he's so nice! That was when I was about to get my shot... Wait till u read this one....
Rj: what is ur favorite part about school?
Me: umm... Like the subject?
Rj: anything about school
Me: Art and math
Me: what's yours?
Rj: science and math
Rj: And seeing you☺️
Me: awe....
Rj: ☺️
Me: I think my phone is jealous cause it just died and %26 😂
Rj: lolz

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