Merry Chrysler

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The snow blew hard and the night was cold. As dark as it was out, the street lights gave off an ample amount of rays for Hizashi to drive back home. No one was out, and quite frankly, Hizashi didn't want to be either. Looking at the built-in clock, it was 12:35 AM on December 26th, the day after Christmas, and the hero was just now returning home from work.

Now, it wasn't as if Hizashi had Christmas Day FULL of work. For a few hours, he had time to spend the holiday with his boyfriend, Shouta Aizawa. They exchanged gifts and jolly feelings, however as a radio show host, Hizashi couldn't keep music lovers waiting all day for their 21st Century-ified holiday songs, no matter how weird they sounded to some. No matter if he was Hizashi Yamada, D.J Mic, or Present Mic, he had a job to do and would always fulfill it.

As he continued driving, Hizashi had lost track of time and had only focused on the road. He was slightly startled when he heard a soft meow from the back seats. Looking behind him, Mic saw the kennel that was covered in a fuzzy red blanket.

"Oh," he said, "it's you. You awake little kitty?"

Two orbs- one orange, one green- peered at Mic from inside the kennel.

"Here, you like music?" Hizashi turned up the radio a bit and played the disc that lay in the slot.

Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz started to play.

"Cats like hip-hop, right?"

The cat meowed back peacefully.


As the two finished their drive, Hizashi began to sleepily hum along.

\ \ \

Mic unlocked and opened the front door. He was greeted to the bright, twinkling lights of the Christmas tree. Either Shouta left them on to help Hizashi see in the dark living room, or was too tired to bother turning them off. Hizashi kicked off his boots and headed to the kitchen, kennel in arm.

The kitchen light was still on and a plate covered in foil lay on the counter Hizashi set the kennel down and opened it. "C'mon kitty, you're home now."

The small cat stepped out onto the tile floor. It was black with white socks and around its neck was a large red bow.

"I'll go get your bowls from the car," Hizashi told the kitten.

As he returned, he saw the small cat pawing at the door of the shared bedroom, attempting to enter it. Mic set the bowls down and walked over to the kitten, crouching down beside it. "No, no kitty," said Hizashi, "we don't wanna wake Papa Sho."

The bedroom door opened and in the doorway stood Shouta. "Too late," he said sleepily, stepping into the light that showed off his sloppy black hair and sleep-deprived eyes. Hizashi blushed in embarrassment.
"Sorry Sho." He stood up.

"It's whatever. Who's this?" Aizawa pointed at the kitten, who was playing with a string that hung too low on his sweatpants.

"That's your last Christmas present! Although it's far past the holiday..." Mic answered as Shouta picked up the cat. "I picked her up from the pound after work."

The tired man rubbed his eye in a tired manner. "So that's why you were gone so long."

"Yeah," the blonde yawned as he took off his neck speaker, walked over and set it down on the kitchen table. "You made dinner?"

"Yep," answered Sho as he nodded. "Since it's a holiday, I tried to make something for us. Sorry it sucks." He sat down at the table and booped the cat's nose. Said cat then licked his finger.

Hizashi unwrapped the plate to see a helping of meatloaf with a side of collards and bacon, along with some green beans.

"You said you've really been into American culture nowadays, so I tried to make an American-esque dinner."

Yes, for about half a year, Shouta had known about Hizashi's interest in American and British culture. For Mic, the two countries were wonders. As a bucket list item, he wanted to visit them both to see what it was like: how the people dressed on normal days, what foods were commonly ate, how friendly everyone was, just what things were different in general. Yes, he was crazy, but a good type of crazy.

"Sho, thank you so much. You didn't have to do this though."

"Well, I did," Aizawa remarked with a tone, obviously far too tired to think of a kinder response.

"Still, thank you."

Hizashi heated up the meal and sat at the table with Shouta. He took a bite.

"Y'know, it's not that bad."

Shouta's eyes stayed shut. "It was better when it was fresh."

"I'll take your word."

"You always do."

The cat meowed.

Mic stood up. "I should get her some food."

"No, you've worked all day, I'll do it," Aizawa said as his eyes opened slowly. Unfortunately for him, Mic was already opening the bag. He poured the feed in the bowl and let Shouta bring the cat to her bowl. She quickly began to eat.

Hizashi spoke up, "Speaking of her, what's her name gonna be?"

Shouta shrugged. "I've never been good with naming things. I was thinking Snowbell."

Staring in confusion, Hizashi asked, "Snowbell? But she's black!"

"Yes," Aizawa confirmed, "however her legs. She looks like she's been walking in deep snow."


In the silence, Shouta had fallen asleep and fell. Luckily Mic was able to catch him.

"I think it's time you go back to bed, Sho."

The black haired man nodded drowsily.

Mic carried Aizawa to bed; finished his meal; showered, making sure to wash the ungodly amount of gel in his hair; dressed in an old ACDC shirt and black shorts for pajamas; turned the lights out and got in the shared bed. Snowbell and Shouta were snuggled up close.

"Aww..." Hizashi whispered to himself. "You're too cute, you two." He booped Shouta and patted the cat's head before falling peacefully asleep.

THEY'RE GAY BECAUSE I SAID THEY ARE (EraserMic Fanfics)Where stories live. Discover now