Happy (Late) Holidays

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    The weather outside was frightful and the heating was so delightful, and since it was their household, the heroes Eraserhead and Present Mic stayed inside, baking cookies with their daughter, Eri. Now, Eri had never baked Christmas cookies, let alone celebrate the holiday. It was surprising when Eraserhead, better known as Aizawa, learned this. He began to teach Eri about every holiday he had celebrated as a child, and today, Eri, Aizawa, and Mic were doing part of the holiday.
    “Dad, what is this?” Eri asked, picking up a cookie cutter. She wanted to know the shape, as she had picked up several cookie cutters before and had wanted to know their shapes.
    Aizawa responded, “That is a snowman, honey.”
    “Snowman?” the young girl asked.
    Mic chirped in. “A man made of round balls of snow. We can make one tomorrow, Eri dear.”
    Eri smiled in wonder. “Really, Popa? We can make a man out of snow?!”
    Their daughter’s sweet smile forced a smile onto their faces. Aizawa looked at his boyfriend. “Hizashi, you best do that with her.”
    Mic nodded. He pulled out the dough from the bowl and put it on the powdered counter. He called for Eri.
    “Wanna help me roll out the dough, Eri?”
    She excitedly ran over to her papa. “Yes please, Papa! What do I do?” Mic handed her a rolling pin. He instructed her as she helped.
    While they did that, Aizawa pulled out the containers of frosting from out of the fridge. The colours, chosen by Eri, were a pinkish-red, bright green, baby blue, white, and bright yellow (while those names weren’t what was on the packaging, that’s what Hizashi and Aizawa agreed on). Shota set them on the table and walked over to the two biggest lights in his life. 
    “Okay Eri, is it all rolled out?” he asked. Eri nodded.
    “Yep, Popa’s just gonna make sure it is!” She called attention to a defeated Mic who was too caring to tell Eri that she didn’t even reach the other half on account of her height. Hizashi quickly finished the dough and then got out a step stool for the young girl. Shota brought over the box of cookie cutters. 
    Eri grabbed several cutters and handed them to Aizawa. “Here Dad, I might cut myself.”
    Aizawa caught on to what she meant. “Eri, honey, don’t worry. It would take a bit before these hurt you. Now, pick out a shape you like and push it into the dough.” 
    The young girl picked out the snowman one and did as commanded. Hizashi helped her push it completely through and then pulled out the snowman pastry and put it on a cookie tray. Eri picked out and did this with several others, including angels, reindeer, trees, stars and snowflakes; the most basic yet adored shapes of the year. Mic, of course, helped her, while Aizawa picked up the cat Snowbell and stroked her soft fur, away from the cookies, obviously. When Mic and Eri were done, they put the pastries in the oven and they sat at the table with Shota. 
    Aizawa asked, “How many did you do, Eri?”
    She held up all ten of her fingers. “THIS many!”
    “Well, a bit more than that.” Mic motioned 35 on his fingers by holding up three digits on one hand and five on the other. Eri followed his motion. 
    “Is that a lot, Papa?”
    “You bet! We’re gonna have cookies until next year!” Mic picked up Eri and lightly tossed her in the air. “And they’re gonna be the best cookies because you made them!” Hizashi held his daughter close. Eri laughed. 
    “You’re really loud, Papa!” Eri occasionally forgot that Mic’s quirk was nothing but being loud. “Do you think the Easter Bunny will really like these, Papa?”   
    “Santa, Eri. And yes! They’ll be so good that he’ll take them home to Mrs. Claus and share them with her, because something that good should be shared!” Mic set her down. 
    The girl thought for a minute, and then said, “So could we take some to the nice kids at the U.A.? The ones in Dad and in Mr. Vlad’s classes?”
    Hizashi looked in the fridge. He pulled out a few things and began to count. He then stated, “Sho, we’re making two extra batches.”
    Aizawa looked at Snowbell then back at Hizashi and Eri’s childish antics. He didn’t sigh or groan. He smiled a bit. 
    After a bit, the oven dinged and Mic pulled out the cookies. Eri reached for one, but Hizashi stopped her. 
    “No Eri, the cookies are too hot. We gotta wait, okay?”
    She looked wide-eyed at him, then shook her head. She understood.
    “Come here, Eri, let’s pet Snow,” Aizawa beckoned. Eri walked over happily and stroked the kitty’s ear. The cat purred. Eri smiled.
    “She likes me!” she happily declared. “Dad, Papa, Snowbell likes me!” Shota nodded. 
    “That’s wonderful news, dear.” Mic grinned as he pulled the cookies off of the tray with a spatula. “Will you please get some spoons out of the drawer?”
    She did so. “Are we gonna decorate the cookies now?”
    Mic nodded. “Yep! I even got chocolate chips and little chocolate spheres to make them look awesome!” He flashed the young girl a thumbs up and gave a full-hearted smirk. He got said items from the cupboard and set them on the dining table. “Now, you and Dad decorate the cookies. I’m gonna make more.” Mic went to his work.
    Aizawa opened the frostings and took a spoon Eri offered him. “Which one do you wanna decorate first, honey?”
           She picked up a snowman. Eri obviously took a liking to them. "Pink frosting please," she asked. Shota took her spoon and gifted it a blob of icing. She began to paint the cookie. 
           Aizawa unenthusiastically picked up a cookie and decorated it, realizing that Eri couldn't finish them all on her own unless someone was helping. He decorated a tree using the normal colours, then decorated it using colorful choco-spheres. When Eri saw what her dad was doing, she asked for some of the decorations. Shota instructed her on giving buttons and eyes. After she was done, she grabbed another one and politely asked for the decorations while Aizawa worked alongside her. 
          When all the cookies were baked and frosted and dolled up, the three put them on paper plates and wrapped them in saran wrap. The plates were then put kindly in the fridge. Mic gave Eri a high five.
"Nice job, little chick!" He remarked. 
    “Thanks Papa!” she smiled widely. Even though they weren’t blood related, she very much was Hizashi. From her shining personality to her precious grin, she was a Yamada even though she lived with Aizawa. 
    Hizashi asked Shota a question, however he nodded off sleeping, hoping it was a minor inquiry. Again, he heard his boyfriend’s voice, but he continued to drift off into a dream. The warmth of his sweater felt like a nice blanket straight from the dryer. It wasn’t long until Hizashi began to shake Shota awake. Aizawa opened his eyes. 
    “You’re sleepy, aren’t you?”
    Shota nodded. He stood up. 
    “I’m going to get in bed. Are you and Eri staying up?” he asked Mic.
    Yamada responded, “No, I’m gonna take her to bed. It’s late, ya dig?”
    Aizawa nodded, not understanding his lover’s lingo. Hizashi was… complex with words, to say the least.
    As Shota walked to his bedroom, Eri came up and hugged his legs. “Night-night, Dad!” she held him close. Shota picked her up and pulled her into an embrace.
“Good night, my big girl. Know you should go to bed too; you have school tomorrow. Let Papa stay up while he… does whatever it is he does.” He kissed Eri on the forehead and placed her down. He made his way to his room and plunked into the sheets, not going to be seen again until morn.
Mic, on the other hand, began to clean the kitchen. He filled the sink with water and then went to his daughter’s room to grab her some pajamas. 
“So Eri, what type do you wanna wear to bed?” he asked her.
Eri walked over to the dresser and peered into the top drawer, of which was very much an endeavour for her because of her small design. Nonetheless, she picked out a pair of blue PJ’s. Hizashi left the room so she could put them on because Eri was seven and not only could very well put on her own clothes, however deserved near the same level of privacy she gave her dads. After a minute, she came out and opened her arms as to demand a hug, of which Yamada gave.
“Good night, little listener!” he whispered loudly, trying to not wake his boyfriend. “I love you!!” He hugged her again and tucked her into her bed. 
“Nighty-night, Papa!” She yawned sleepily. She snuggled into her soft pillow and lay there like an angel as Mic turned on her night-light and turned off the main light. He then shut her door and left the room.
Hizashi went and finished dishes, then went and plopped down onto the couch. He looked at the time on his phone. It was eight thirty at night. 
As much as Mic was an early bird, he could stay up late into the night. His job as a disk jockey for the radio forced his mind that way many times. He would stay up until near one AM, and then his body would be completely and utterly submissive to his well-needed sleep. 
He thought about Shota and how badly he wanted to snuggle up into his warm body, feeling the heat radiate off of his lover. That made him sleepy. He snuggled a pillow on the couch, realizing that Sho might not want to snuggle at such a late hour (well, late to Aizawa. To Hizashi, eight PM was similar to that of five PM). Snowbell jumped on the couch, waking Mic up form his daydream. He then decided to go to bed himself.
The night was silent, and all the lights had been powered down in the Aizawa-Yamada household. 

THEY'RE GAY BECAUSE I SAID THEY ARE (EraserMic Fanfics)Where stories live. Discover now