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Zak woke up from a peaceful sleep. He stared at his surroundings, confused and frightened by the strange room. He thought about the last thing he remembered...


Zak was in Darryl's spare room. He realized he had a big grin plastered on his face, causing confusion to come over him. Why- Why was I smiling? Zak questioned himself. All he thought of was being in Darryl's room?

Zak shrugged off the thought, getting up. He realized he was still wearing his burnt hoodie, staring at the scorch mark. Zak felt a wave of sadness come over him. His house... gone. His mood lightened up as he thought; But.. now I live with Baldboy. Zak thought.

Pulling on new clothes, Zak opened the door to his room. Pulling out his phone, he was shocked at all of the notifications he got from fans. I must have been on the news. Zak thought. Re-watching the news, he confirmed it.

"A stove exploded here in *random city* and caused a fire to start, the fire spreading to another house." The camera turned where Zak was in the frame, standing at the sidewalk. The house caved in from the flames, partially collapsing.

Zak turned off the previous news and walked down the hallway. Darryl sat at the couch, smiling when Zak showed. "Hi, Ske- Zak!" Darryl corrected himself. "Good morning, Baldboy!" Zak giggled. "Oh my goodness." Darryl sighed in slight annoyance. "Anyways~ I'm going to go look for a new monitor." Zak said, walking over to the door. "C-Can I go with you?" Darryl asked, stuttering. "Of course!" Zak smiled. Darryl hummed in response, getting up and coming over to Zak. "Question--- Can I drive your car?" Zak asked, realizing he didnt have a car, he was dropped off by his mom. Darryl said nothing, simply responding with a nod. Zak opened the passenger door for Darryl, and Darryl looked confused. "You expect me to sit while you drive?" He raised an eyebrow at me. Zak giggled. "I asked you if I could drive. You said yes. Besides, I wouldnt put myself in danger in real life." He said. Darryl got into the car and Zak closed the door behind him. (Anyone else think of another story I'm writing? Just me? Ok.)

[After driving because I dunno the ways around where they live-]

They pulled up in front of a large brick building. The area was busy, people constantly going in or coming out of the store. Darryl looked at the story's title, but couldnt see it. It was covered by the car. Zak parked the car at the front, and the two men got out of the car. They both entered the store, Zak knowing where to go, Darryl nervous, not knowing this place.

The went from isle to isle, until they came to the monitor isle. "Zak, dont you need a computer for the monitor?" Darryl asked. "I saved my computer. My monitors went bye-bye.." Zak's voice faded, he looked from small to big monitors.

After some time, Zak's eyes stopped on a medium-size monitor. The tag told it showed more color and detail. "This is the one." Zak said, lifting it up. Darryl peeked at the price tag. His eyes immediately widened. "Zak, that's $600! Are you sure?" He exclaimed. "Dont worry, I'll be paying for it." Zak smiled down at the monitor, placing it gently into the cart.

After they checked out and drove home, Zak began setting up his monitor. He brought out a table to set it on, his keyboard and mouse, and connected the monitor to the pc.

And everything was set!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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