Bad News When You See That Bloody Nose

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Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait. I've had so many tests lately, have been applying to colleges, and have had two chorus concerts with dress rehearsals included. It's been super hectic, but I appreciate your patience! So, this is going to be the longest A/N ever, but the first thing I want to say is that there are two songs I really wanted to include in here by The Cure that really apply to Mileven, but unfortunately they both came out a few years after 1986, which is the year we're at at this point in the story, so let's just pretend like they were released around then if you don't mind. Everything else I've written I have fact-checked to be historically accurate, but both of these songs scream Mileven, so what are you gonna do! Also, one of my readers asked that I add some more Lumax to the book and so going through with that request, there's actually a Lumax plot that I've been wanting to write about for a while now, something that's been in the back of my head and that's a very real struggle- racism. Problems like racism and homophobia were still very much an issue back in the '80s. Gay people couldn't even come out back then and racism obviously continued and still continues to be a problem. So, with that, I just wanted to give you a heads up that the beginning of this chapter is going to be a little intense and racially sensitive because being an interracial couple was very taboo at the time and in many instances, still can be unfortunately, but I think it's important to recognize that and I just really want to see the lovable, fierce Max Mayfield stand up for Lucas, you know? That's what we were missing this season. Some real, raw Lumax moments. So, without further ado, here's the new chapter! (P.S. It's still mainly about Mileven, but Lumax will be a big focus of this chapter)

Walking into his room, Lucas found Max there, waiting for him on his bed.

"Hey, Stalker," she said flirtatiously.

"*smiles* Max! Just the girl I was wanting to see..."

"Aww, what gave me away? My red hair?"

"*slides beside* Well, that, *strokes hair* but also your West Coast, blue eyes, adorable smile, and those irresistibly pokable freckles," he said, nudging each and every one of them until he'd annoyed her just enough.

She couldn't help but laugh, and much like Hopper's face at the sight of Mike in El's room, hers turned as red a tomato. It was the curse of a fair-skinned redhead like herself.

As she sat there, with her ankles cupped in the palms of her hands and her shin resting against his thigh, he threw his arm around her shoulder, not taking his eyes off of her for even a second.

"Oh, and um, those too," he said, motioning towards her lips with his eyes and another thing in mind.

Her eyelashes fanned out, the tips of them pointing toward his eyes and lips accordingly with the shifting of her focus. Seeing as that he was already staring at hers like they were the objects of his affection, she began to follow his lead.

"Oh, I see where you're going with this," she said, playing along in an enticing whisper that faded once their faces neared.

She leaned in, with her bent knee against his abdomen, her face now turning parallel to his shoulder. Plump and smooth, he laid his lips upon hers with gentle intention. And her head twisted and winded as the left side of her face moved to that of his, their lips ending at a different locus than where they first joined.

Lucas was someone who was very sure of himself. He was humble about most things, except when it came to proving his point and his logic. That's where he drew the line, where he had to fend for himself, much like Max in that way, and despite society casting him aside most of his life, he had found his people, people that would never judge him- his core friend group. And Max, well, Max was the person he shared everything with. She was cool, laid back, and didn't care what anybody else thought. She was just always herself, even when it got her into trouble and he couldn't help but like that about her.

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