Making A Move...Kinda

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No One's POV

"I have to talk to Ann," you told yourself. It's only a couple of days before the Hawaii trip, and you want to talk to her before then. But you didn't know how. You can barely even talk to her without stuttering. I guess that's what crushes do. Before you went to school, you spent most of the morning brainstorming things to talk to Ann with and just hoped that the conversation would take its self from there. Throughout the whole day, you never saw Ann once. You thought that you missed your chance. But as you started to make your way to your bus stop, you spotted Ann walking ahead of you. "There she is! You'll probably not get a chance to talk to Ann by herself! Just go talk to her!" you told yourself. And without much thinking, you sped walked up to Ann.

"Ann! Hi!" you said as you got closer to her. When she turned around she had a confused expression, but when she saw it was you, her eyes lit up.

"Hi (Y/N)! How are you?" she asked. Ann slowed down her walking so you could catch up with her.

"I'm okay. You?"

"I'm also okay." You both walk in silence for a couple of seconds.

"Oh, wheres Hana?" Ann asks.

"She has club stuff," you say. This year Hana has joined a lot of clubs, like a worrying amount of clubs.

"That's sounds like fun..." You both walk in silence again. This time longer. You started to worry that you were making Ann feel uncomfortable. You could see her start to look bored. She's going to hate you!

"Are you excited for Hawaii?" Ann asks. Relieved, you answered;

"I'm actually pretty excited. It'll be good to be back in America. I haven't been back since we moved here."

"Same! I haven't been back in awhile. It'll also be good just to speak English!" (Lets just pretend that this is all in Japanese)

"Definitely. But I'll need to brush up on my skills." Not long after, you both arrive at your train stop. You and Ann both walk down. You look at your phone to see when your next train is coming.

"Oh shout! The next train is coming in 2 minutes! I have to go!" You say to Ann. She gives a sad look and sighs.

"Aw, alright. It was fun talking to you. Bye, (Y/N)!" She happily says as you rush to your train. The whole way home, you keep thinking about your conversation. Your face red and flushed. You quietly congratulate yourself for stepping out and doing something you were scared of doing!

I apologize for the VERY late update!! I've been having some writers block and I've been avoiding writing this all month. This was pretty rushed and it's very sloppy. But now I'm gonna get back into it so don't worry! I'm also really close to finishing Persona 5. Yeah I know, I haven't even finished it yet. But also!!! P5R!!! I'm super hyped along with scramble! 2020 going to be a pretty good your for Persona fans!


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