Chapter 5

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..."What's the problem sir?" He asks.

"She just tried to attack me," James says confidently.

"Is that true?" The man asks turning to me.

I shake my head and weakly mumble, "he attacked me sir."

"Leave her alone ok?" The man says and walks away.

I grab my things and run back home. I run straight past mum and dad and straight up into my room. I lie down on my bed and start crying. Mum soon comes up and sits down next to me and starts pulling her fingers through my hair. 

"Are you ok sweetie?" She asks as she pulls her hand back to the top of my head 

I nod into my pillow.

"Are you sure?" She demands worried 

I nod again. I don't want to talk about it right now. She sighs and stands up. 

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything ok?" Mum says and walks out of the room.

I sit up and find my phone, I open messages and click on James and I's messages. I don't want to let him go so I decide to apologise to him,

Me: Hey James, I'm really sorry about today. I shouldn't have kicked you and I shouldn't have pushed you or told that guy all that, please forgive me... xx

I put my phone down and lie back and stare at the roof. I hear my phone ding and I sit back up. It's from James. 

James: I'm sorry as well, I took all my anger out on you again and I shouldn't have tried to drown you, wanna hang out tonight? Xx

Me: Yeah sure, wanna come over and we can watch some movies? Xx

James: sounds great see you at seven ish? Xx

Me: Sounds good, see you then xx

I put my phone down with a slight smile. I stand up and walk over to my wardrobe. I look through my drawers and find some shorts and a t shirt to wear. I get changed and brush out my hair. It's still wet from the water. As I brush my hair and braid it, I start thinking about that dream I had, the one where I ran out of the house in the middle of the night and ran into the water. Was that trying to tell me something? Was that trying to warn me about what would happen today? I then start thinking about why I dressed up so much for today, I know why, because I thought today would be special, I thought it would be to make up for what had happened the other day. I become lost in my thoughts and finally finish my braids. 

I walk back over to my clothing draws and pull out a pair of knee high socks, it's getting kinda cold now, so I slide them on to keep my feet warm. I grab my phone and check the time. 6:30. I've got time to run down to the shops, I think to myself. I run downstairs, phone in my hand and into the kitchen. 

"James is coming over to hang out tonight, I'm just running down to the shops to get some snacks, do you need anything?" I ask mum as I open the cupboard with all the car keys in it.

"Umm, maybe some milk and some eggs please," She says as she continues chopping onions, "is he going to stay for dinner?"

"Yeah probably, he's coming at 7 so yeah I guess," I say as I lean down and grab the bags from under the table.

Mum nods and I walk out the door. I walk out into the cool evening air and unlock my car. I open the drivers door and sit down inside. I pull the seatbelt across my body and buckle it into the buckle. I start the car and pull out of the drive way. I hardly ever drive anywhere, being honest, I hate driving, it makes me so anxious because of all the bad car accidents I hear about on the news. I pull out of the drive way and drive to the shops in silence. When I get there, I park my car as close to the entrance as possible and walk into Coles. 

I walk straight to the lolly and chip isle and with a bag in my hand, I skim through the chips, and end up grabbing about four bags of chips, I walk further down the isle to where the lollies are, I look through the different types of lollies, Allens, Starbursrt, Natural Confectionary. As I bend down to grab a few bags of Allens snakes, I feel a tap on my shoulder, I look up to my left and see a familiar face standing next to me with a massive goofy smile.

"Hey!" She says joyfully.

"Emma?" I say with a laugh.

"Yeah! Hey stranger! How have you been?" She asks.

I fling my arms around her.

"I've been great! But oh my gosh! I haven't seen you in forever!" I say as I release her. 

Emma and I were best friends all through high school, literally, we were friends from year seven to year twelve. But at the end of year twelve, her parents and her moved over to America for almost a year. 

"I'm back for the summer," Emma says with a smile, "you free tonight?"

"Yay! No sorry, date night," I say tilting my head slightly with a smile.

"Oooooooh, you and James still making history?" She teases.

"Shut up!" I remark playfully, "but yes, we are still together."

"Oh well, hope you two have fun! Catch up tomorrow? James can come as well if you want, want to meet down at the beach?" 

"Sounds amazing! How 'bout 10 tomorrow morning?" I ask with a smile.

"Sounds awesome! See you then!" She exclaims.

We hug and then depart from each other. I pick up a few bags of Allen's snakes and a few bags of Starburst party mix and then walk over to the registers. As I'm walking back to the car, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pull out and see a message from mum...

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