Chapter 13

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James and I are sitting on the bed together facing each other. He's explaining everything to me, and I'm crying and heart broken. I can't believe it, he cheated on me. And denies to tell me why.

"I'm sorry Katherine, I really am," He says trying to reach and touch my knee.

"Are you?! Are you really?! You don't even love me!" I yell at him.

"I... I..." He starts but I cut him off.

"We're done! Over! I put you first and you just sucked up all of my love and attention just to spit it back out all over my best friend! I hate you!" I yell.

I stand up and run around the cabin grabbing my things.

"What are you doing?" He calls.

"I'm leaving!" I yell back.

I throw everything into my suitcase an drag it out of the cabin behind me. I slam the front door shut and start crying. I have no idea where I'm going to go, but all I know is that this time, I'm not turning around. I reach for my phone in my pocket and call my parents. They book me a flight home for tomorrow and I walk up the jetty towards Chris and Emma's cabin. When I get there I knock on the door and Chris opens it. I look up to him with my bloodshot eyes. I can't believe this just happened.

He lets me in and we sit on the couch and I tell him everything that had happened. Once I have told him everything I choke words up and manage to ask,

"Where's Emma?" I sob.

"I have something to tell you Katherine," He says.

"What?" I ask.

"Emma and I broke up as well, because there's someone else that I'm in love with," He says nervously.

"Who?" I ask wipping tears from my face.

"You," He says softly.

I swallow and a feeling rushes through me. But I can't tell what the feeling is. Love? Nerves? Both?

"I... I love you to Chris," I say nervously.

He pulls me to him and cradles me in his arms like a baby. Hours pass and I'm lying on Chris's bed as he folds his clothes and puts them away. I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and pull it out to find a message on Emma, James and I's group chat. I had completely forgotten about this group chat.

Emma: Bitch look at me now

Attached is a photo of her kissing James. So I decide to reply with a photo of Chris, shirtless wearing only boardie's, his muscles flexed as he picks up my suitcase to unpack.

Me: Bitch look who's mine

I suddenly get over whelmed with a wave of regret washes over me. Flash backs of James and I rolling through the sprinkler, or him and I at the beach laughing, him saying I love you, forever and always I'm not his anymore, and he's not mine, and it was my choice. I loved him, more than anyone I've ever loved anyone before, but he chose to brake my heart instead of keeping it. The next day, I bored my flight alone, without James's hand to hold, without him sitting next to me asleep on my shoulder.

When I get home, I go straight to my room and smash all of the photos of James and I that I got framed. I hear mum's voice as she comes into m room.

"It's late, you should probably go to sleep now," She says.

"Ok, see you tomorrow," I say

And she leaves the room. I grab my phone and find a text from James.

James: Meet me down at the beach at 10

Me: Ok

I look at the time and see that it's 9:45 I grab my phone and walk downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Mum asks curiously.

"I'm going to the beach, to chill," I reply.

She nods slowly. I open the front door and walk down to the beach slowly. When I get there James is sitting on the edge of the water by himself. The street lightly dimly illuminates the sand and water, and it's really spooky in a way. I walk up to him and sit down next to him. Before I can say anything, even say hey, he grabs me by my throat and punches me hard in the head. I fall backwards and everything goes dark. When I wake up I'm alone in a hospital room with an oxygen mask over my face and needles poking into my arm. A nurse comes running in and starts fussing with the machines that I'm hooked up to.

"W.... What happened?" I manage to stumble.

She stands up and smooths out her clothes.

"Honey, you were found in the water unconscious, a young man James, I believe found you in the water and he called an ambulance," She says, "Are you ok? Do you need anything? Water..."

Before she can finish I cut her off.

"Th.. that's not what happened," I say slowly.

He lied, he lied to get out of trouble, so he could be the hero.

"What do you mean?" She asks as she pulls a chair up next to me.

"James is my ex boyfriend who assaulted me multiple times, and when I was douns on the beach, I hadn't drowned, he choked me and punched me, he must have dragged me into the water to make it appear that I had," I say breathlessly.

"Oh dear, that's not what he told us," She says nervously.

She hurries out of the room and an hour or so later comes in with a police officer. They pull chairs up next to my bed and the police officer pulls out a small note book from her pocket. She takes a pen from her other pocket and looks me softly in the eye.

"Hello Katherine, I'm Bethany, and I'm here to take notes of what you say happened the night you were taken into hospital," She says softly.


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