chapter two

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    By the time they neared Auradon Prep, Ka-Ata-Killa was over the boys' bickering. They reminded her of how she and her brother acted. How did her parents deal with their endless arguments? Not having an answer, she let out a deep sigh, playing with the ends her hair, considering pulling it out of frustration mixed with the homesickness that began to brew. 

   The majority of the car ride was filled with Carlos and Jay's bickering while Evie did her makeup, after offering to do both Katia's and Mal's. In an attempt to appease the daughter of the Evil Queen, Katia agreed. Makeup was something she had very little experience with, as her mother insisted that it was unnecessary; Evie, somewhat unsure about what colors would look best, stuck to gold eyeshadow, mascara, and a little bit of blush. 

   Although Mal had rejected her friend's offer, her fixed glare and seemingly permanent frown showed her displeasure that Katia had accepted it. The princess hoped she would get a chance to talk to her privately in the future, to smooth over whatever negative feelings Mal harbored toward her.    

    As she was the last to enter the limousine, she was the first to exit when they finally arrived at the school she was meant to learn how to be proper at. She was able to exit somewhat gracefully, before noticing that the two boys followed in a fighting match. The loud marching band playing the background stopped abruptly as the boys tumbled out of the car and onto the ground. The other girls followed, embarrassed by their friends. 

   Katia couldn't help but laugh at the boys, but quickly became quiet as Mal muttered to them "Guys, we have an audience!" 

    She stood somewhat behind the four, seeing as this was their moment more than anything. Why would they arrange the limo to pick her up at the same time this momentous event, the Villain Kids finally leaving the Isle arrived at Auradon Prep? It made no sense to her, but she stopped thinking about it as Jay began to introduce himself to the beautiful teen in front of him. 

   "Hello foxy," He said, smirking flirtatiously, "The name's... Jay." 

   Katia's opinion of the girl faltered when she laughed at Jay's greeting. 

    "Welcome to Auradon Prep," said the shorter woman, full of joy. "I'm Fairy Godmother, Headmistress"

   As she met Ben's eyes, Ka-Ata-Killa smiled. She considered Ben a close friend, as their parents were both royalty; whenever they'd meet, Ben and Katia would play as Mario pestered them for attention. Although they didn't meet so often anymore, she respected and had a lot of love for Ben.

   Katia realized she wasn't paying much attention to the interactions in front of her when she snapped out of her reminiscing the past to hear the girl to Fairy Godmother's left rudely remark that the Evil Queen had no royal status in Auradon, belittling Evie.

   "Excuse me," remarked the future Empress, pushing past Carlos and Jay to stand next to Evie. The boys shared a confused glance about the actions of the girl they had just met. "What makes you think you can decide who has royal status here? I hope you're not planning on revoking my royal status next, because I don't think my family would be happy to hear how disrespectful students are at this supposed prestigious academy." 

   The brunette seemed thrown off by Katia's existence. The future empress's long, straight, dark hair flowed behind her as she raised her dark eyebrow, almost daring her to respond. With her heels adding four inches to her height, Katia towered over the girl. However, before she could say anything, Ben interrupted, introducing the impolite teen. 

   "This is Audrey-"

   "Princess! Audrey." She interrupted, having gained her confidence back. "His girlfriend! Right Bennyboo?"

   In an attempt to ease the tension, Fairy Godmother laughed it off and mentioned that Audrey and Ben would show the five around, startling the group by exclaiming that "The doors of wisdom are never shut!" and taking off after mumbling more information about the school. 

   Ben decided to introduce himself personally, starting with Jay, who responded with a punch to the chest. Moving on to Mal, who shook his hand. 

   "This is a momentous occasion, and one that I hope will go down in history- is that chocolate?- as the day our two peoples began to heal!" He began.

  "Or the day that you showed five peoples where the bathrooms are!" Mal responded, in a teasing tone. 

   "A little bit over the top?" He asked, before Katia decided she'd had enough.

   Moving up to the boy she essentially grew up with, she threw her arms around his neck and said "I've missed you Benny! You and your overdramatic ways." She did not miss the confused, but ever-present glare his girlfriend gave her. He laughed as he reciprocated the hug, saying that he had missed her as well. 

   As they broke apart, she realized that Audrey had begun a passive aggressive conversation with Mal. 

    "I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world, but my mother to their stupid christening," Mal retorted. 

   "Water under the bridge!" 


   The conversation ended with a fake laugh and a sigh, Katia clearing her throat, uncomfortable with the whole interaction. She looked at Ben for him to do something, anything.

   "Okay! So how about a tour? Yeah?" Ben's solution was temporary, but necessary with the five new students. "Auradon Prep, originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he became king." 

   They fell into something that resembled a line, Katia falling just behind Evie and before Carlos. She already knew that the four villain kids would have some questions about her friendship with Ben, and she knew that Audrey would need an explanation from Ben about the same topic. 

   Katia was looking at the beautiful flowers beside her when she heard Carlos's scream and saw him jump into Jay's arms. Turning to see what scared him, she laughed at the beast, the king she considered family. 

   "Carlos, it's okay, my father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible."

   "Does he shed much?" Mal's response evoked a giggle from Katia.

   "Yeah my mom won't let him on the couch," quickly responded Ben. 

   Katia smile grew bigger with the flirting going on between Ben and Mal. She loved seeing new romances bloom, and Audrey's obsession with titles prevented Katia from rooting for their relationship. 

   As they walked on to continue the tour, Katia couldn't help but think that maybe she'd come to like living there.

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