chapter three

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   Looking around at the wooden architecture, Katia was immensely interested in its history. She didn't come to Auradon with much knowledge about the school, something she silently cursed as she walked with Ben and Audrey to greet his family. They had left the Villain Kids with Doug, who she thought was just adorable. He reminded her of a much smaller Pacha, both of them kind, and a little bit awkward. 

   As they walked, Katia could feel Audrey's glare on the side of her head. Ben, always so polite, had offered his arm for the future empress to hold as he led the way to his parents. With her confidence unwavering, she decided to break the tension that was building between her and the princess. 

   "Audrey, do you wanna know how I met Ben?" Katia asked, with a small smile on her face. 

   She saw Ben's cheeks redden as he recalled their first informal meeting. He shook his head, embarrassed by his younger self. 

   Aurora's daughter furrowed her eyebrows, not really expecting Katia to talk to her, much less about Ben. Despite her confusion, she nodded, the future empress then describing their first memorable encounter. 

   They were both four years old, their families had arranged a meeting to discuss the statuses of their kingdoms and whatnot. Of course, the children could care less about foreign affairs, instead having been drawn to the tables filled with desserts. Ka-Ata-Killa approached the table shyly, not wanting to seem impolite while also wanting to stuff her face with the appetizing foods laid in front of her. She went to grab a cupcake when she heard a giggle below the table. Her eyes widened in confusion as moved to kneel and then pulled up the tablecloth. There was Prince Ben! The boy she had been formally introduced to earlier in the afternoon, laughing with his mouth and hands covered in chocolate. He stretched his arm out to offer her a piece, making her smile and gladly accept it. 

   Since then, they considered each other close friends, and sharing chocolate had been a bit of an inside joke. 

   "And now I can only see him as the dorky little prince who I met with chocolate all around his face!" She finished, laughing as Ben tried to shush her. 

   Katia's attempt to relax Audrey seemed to work, as the shorter girl stop glowering and instead just smiled. Was she trying to be friendly- or did she realize that the future empress wasn't going to tolerate her attitude? Although she liked to assume the best, Katia was still wary. She just didn't want Ben's girlfriend to be possessive and prevent them from being friends. 

   "Thanks, Katia," Audrey said, in a sort of undistinguishable tone. 

   The future empress just smiled, turning to Ben and pinching his cheeks as he said "Alright that's enough. Audrey, we're going to have dinner with my parents to let them catch up, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

   Audrey huffed under her breath, not wanting to leave her boyfriend. Even if Katia's story had slightly made her feel better about their relationship, she was still distrusting in the new girl. However, she nodded, leaving the two to meet with the King and Queen.

   After meeting with King Adam and Queen Belle, which had gone well, Katia was escorted to her room. The room was nice, as big as her room at home, she'd estimate. She noted that there was another bed on the other side of the room, although it looked untouched. Assuming that meant she didn't have a roommate, Katia silently cheered. 

   Although she loved interacting with others, sometimes being alone was better. 

   Before leaving her to sleep, Ben told her that Evie and Mal were in the room next to hers. She decided to visit the only people she knew at Auradon, after unpacking. He had also given her her class list: Chemistry, History of Auradon, Mathematics, Life Skills without Magic, and Etiquette and Proper Practices. 

   Just reading the list she was exhausted. 

   Of course they had schooling in her empire, but it was different, not so strict or structured.

   She shook her head, trying not to stress herself out before she even attended classes. Leaving her things as she wanted, she walked next door. Hoping they had gotten settled in, she knocked on their door.

   Without an answer, she assumed they might've gone to visit Jay and Carlos. Ben hadn't told her where their room was, so she made her way back to her room. 

   On the way back to her room, she met a girl with black hair and stunning blue eyes. 

   "Hi!" Katia said excitedly, wanting to make a new friend. "I'm Katia, I'm new here!"

   The girl seemed confused for a second, before recognition flickered in her eyes, "Oh hi! You're from the Incan Empire, right? My mom told me you were coming!" 

  Ka-Ata-Killa tilted her head slightly, before asking "Who's your mom?"

  "Oh duh!" She said, hitting her hand to her head. "I'm Jane, my mom's Fairy Godmother."   

  "Nice to meet you! I hope we have a class or something together because I'm feeling a little lost," Katia mentioned, wanting a friend in her classes.

  "We most likely will, but I'm sure my mom will come by to help you out tomorrow morning," said Jane, "If not, I'm right across the hall, I can show you around and introduce you to my friends!"

   Katia thanked her, before saying goodnight and retreating to her bedroom. Before going to bed, she decided to write to her brother, telling her about how her day had gone and the people she had met. She knew he'd be glad to hear she was doing okay so far, even if it had been only a day.  After writing her letter, she sealed it and placed it where she could remember to take it to be mailed. 

   Nervous for school the next day, she spoke somewhat like prayer to her namesake. The moon goddess she was named for gave her hope and allowed her to relax. 

[ unedited, i hate it, pls lmk what u think. hoping to write another chapter soon but honestly no promises. thanks for reading, love u<3 ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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