4. A little ray

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Contrary to my expectations, our meeting with Ammad went quite well......gladly. Ignoring the fact that my mother didnt smile for once. Although i knew deep down she was a little satisfied to know that i had been in safe hands. But i wondered what was bothering her now?

Throughout our way back home, there was a complete pause between us two even though i was dying to listen from her that how did she find him?
Getting a little too curious, I couldnt stop myself from asking about him a couple of times but mama's responses did not exceed from "acha" and "okay".

So i guessed it myself that she definitely need some time to digest it all before making final judgements.....which was okay to me.

Within a few moments my phone blinked with his name shining bright on it.
"So the journey begins ;) Finally. Best of luck to us❤"

The smile on my face was unmatchable and my blush.....insanely evident. But i didnt care this time.


At the evening of the very same lucky day, mama entered my room while i was busy feeding the butterflies in my stomach with imaginations and daydreams. The smile on my lips was visible which i tried to hide at once and asked her to come sit.

The shadow in her eyes made me look into them with even more delication because they were telling me that some decision was made. The fact that it was either a smileful YES or a persistant NO horrified me for once. But simultaneously my faith in the religion called love made me persistent in hearing a magnificent yes. So i simply fixated my eyes on the floor, ready for the answers.

Even at such delicate time, the gentleness and generosity in her voice remained invarient, "Its a yes from me, Sassi. Now ask him to bring his parents and i shall talk to your father"

My heartbeat accelerated at once and i could feel a well-proportioned mixture of emotions that was too new and too precious to be given an ordinary name.

Before i could completely comprehend it all and respond, she stood up, softly rubbed my head and made her exit leaving me there mysterious. But the feeling of joy overcame in an instant and i continued smiling and dancing like a totally lost idiot.


Even after sending a bunch of messeges the whole day amd giving him hints of mama's approval, he didnt replied to any of them. So i assumed that it must've been a busy day for him. But my overloaded excitement finally made me tap the call button myself without any further wait.
He picked up instantly, "Assalam o alikum"

I was soooper excited and it showed, "heyyyyyyyy handsome"

After a mini- pause he spoke, "Okaaaaay walikum assalam"

I giggled in my mischievous mood, "Someone's been busy, huh?"

"Aaa....yeah...yes sort of", He sounded tired. So without further due, i decided to change that exhaustion to enthusiasm.

"Okay. Guess what?", I asked eagerly.

"What NOW?", He was being harsh this time and that hurt me.

"Ammad? Are you okay?", I inquired gently.

"Yes. I'm fine. WHAT?", He lashed out.

After a pause i pleaded like a baby, "Then why are you talking that that?"

He became quite at once. I continued with wet eyes, "You dont talk to me like that"

There was a pause for a couple of minutes and again i was the one breaking the silence as i wiped my face, "Having a bad day? Or.....is it something about work? Atleast say something Ammad"

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