6. From chills to warmth

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Author's note
Nervously writing this hello to all of you, i guess its an official comeback after like 4 years? Wow. Alot of things came up and life had been just too busy but i realised it two days ago that writing keeps me sane. I hope reading this gives you the same peace it gave me while writing it. Also i wrote a little extra long chapter for you this time as an apology gift hehe. We good now? ;) Now buckle up, enjoy the story and hope i dont disappear again lol. Most importantly, looking forward to your feedbacks <3

P.S. for a good experience i would suggest reading the previous chapters again before this so you feel connected to the characters.


3 weeks since i was here in a strange country and strange atmosphere bounded to the four walls of my apartment, i finally saw one of my favourite face; my best friend Zimal. She came here all along just to meet me and give me the shoulder that i had been needing the most. I dont remember such a time in years when we werent or couldnt be available to each other. And so, once again, she was with me across the globe and undoubtfully for now, this was all in the world that i needed.

For the first time, i stepped out of the building and saw the city lights very closely that i had been watching for weeks from my window. Zimal and Zaviyar bhai literally pushed me out saying that i should explore the city, i should make my time here count rather than being limited to the four walls of home. They said i should move on...
But little did they know that how will i move on from the fact that i not only lost a mere person who claimed to love me but also my family, my mother, my father. But at what cost?

The loss that was too big to handle.

Just when i was too curled up around Zimal quitely after a long tiring day, Zaviyar bhai begin hesistantly, "So i guess its time for some serious talk?"

We both got attentive at once when he continued while looking at Zimal, "Umm we met your mother before coming here"

Zimal's expressions changed, "Zaviyar do you really want to put this here right now?"

"Put what?", i asked both of them confusingly while Zimal's eyes flamed at Zaviyar and both of them literally ignored me.

Zaviyar tried to clear him up, "What? She has all rights to know things going on behind her back, no?"

Zimal rolled her eyes so i asked again, "What happened behind my back?", shifted my gaze toward zimal but both of them became silent at once like they were struggling to find appropriate words. But they weren't understanding, the more they were silent, the faster they were killing me.

My attention at once shifted to the people back home and I panicked, "Is ama aba alright? Please tell me they're alright". They were not words anymore, but merely chunks i could express in between my puffed breath. "No. No. They're all right, Sassi. They're fine", Zimal instantly tried to calm me down and i took a breath of relief.

Just when i relaxed my muscle upon knowing they were alright, Zaviyar bhai did not wait long enough to send shivers down my spine with just 4 words, "They offered your funeral"

I thought i heard that wrong, "They what?" I wasnt able to comprehend but their silence erased all the confusion in the room leaving me literally feel buried feets under shame. I knew what i did was not forgivable but to give me such a big punishment.... maybe thats what I deserved.

I wasnt able to lift up my gaze anymore. It felt like a real funeral. Yes. I was dead. Because if not....was i really living?

Zimal and Zaviyar bhai gave me a few minutes to digest the situation and then Zimal finally broke the silence while holding my hand, "Sassi, I completely understand what you're feeling right now. But i just want you to know you're not alone here. You cant be alone until I'm breathing fine. Its a huge trauma for you, and i dont expect you to be fine after that. But Sassi, what has happened, has happened. You have your whole life ahead of you. Do not forget that"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29 ⏰

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