5. Peace in chaos

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[The new guy]

It had been a week since I saw her nervously entering that apartment and all i could think this whole time was....her. It was so unusual of me; being captivated by someone's presence so powerfully yet so comfortably. There was something about her; something about her long giant shawl draped around her shoulder, something about the look on her face and the innocence it carried. She was like peace in a chaotic world to me.

I never felt so curious about someone. I wanted to know why she looked older then she actually was, i wanted to know why she seemed so scared of the world around her that she didnt come out of her apartment after that.

"Maybe because of someone like me?", i whispered to myself.

The calm on my face transformed into a frown when my attention diverted to Zaviyar. I've known him since college and we're really good friend. And i also knew that he got engaged a few months back to Zimal who is a common friend. But why was he visiting this girl every now and then and never mentioned? Maybe coz he thinks I'm an idiot. Well.....he's not wrong. But again, what is it so compelling about her existance that i cant stop wanting to see her again?

I just knew that there was something about the story that i needed to know but maybe Zaviyar was not the right person to ask all this about, it was her!

I instantly stood up and my feet automatically made their way to her doorstep like i was under a compulsion. With so much on my mind, i rang her doorbell. After hardly a few seconds of wait that felt like a long time to me, i realised what i was doing. I was ranging a girl who lives alone and scared in her house at 1 in the night.

"Whats wrong with you Afaq?", I whispered to myself and went back to my apartment.


Everyone was with their usual morning energy at breakfast while my head was dizzy because of a sleepless night. I couldnt think of the stupidity i did last night. What could have happened if she opened the door last night? She would really think of me as a freak. I'm glad she didnt open it.

My sister added a new topic to the routined conversations carelessly at breakfast, "Maa. I'm gonna go to Sassi's today. You wanna come?"

Something about it made me jump to the reality with my accelerated heartbeats. I wondered who she was talking about?

My mother refused,"Sassi? I dont know she seems suspecious. Never came out of her apartment, i dont think we should...."

Sassi..... her name is Sassi?

Liz being stubborn defended her, "Mom! Seriously? She doesnt know anyone here, how is she supposed to come out and 'socialise'? Someone has to take the first step"

She was right.

My dad participated sheepily, "You know your mother. C'mon Hira, Leeza is right. We shouldnt be judging a girl like our daugher"

My mother was a little superstitious women, "But you know every other lady of this society has a different story about her. Who knows whats wrong and what is right. I'm just saying we shouldnt interfere"

I felt this was too much for a tender soul so i finally spoke, "You dont want to go, thats fine maa. But you shouldnt be saying such things about someone you dont even know! And if Liz wants to meet her and try to know her, you have to let her"

Everyone was quite. But also everyone agreed. This was a new side of me that was being unveiled since i saw her and it was shocking, weird and pleasant at the same time.


Later that day, at 8 in the night i found myself standing at her doorstep again. But this time, with a purpose. A purpose of asking her about Zaviyar, a purpose of asking about her intense face but mainly.....to have a glance.

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