The Wrecking of Homes

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I was jittery with excitement. The clock read 10:47 AM and I knew Alexander would be here any moment now. I could barely sleep last night. My mind kept playing scenarios of how today could pan out. Most scenes included Jason begging for me to talk to Alexis for him, and denouncing Meredith as an evil charlatan. I'm pretty sure I added a dramatic coat flap as I exited in the end.

I was determined to tear down his company by any means necessary. Some may say I'm hypocritical because of my profession, but I reasoned with myself that most of my clients were married as technicalities in business transactions. The clients who were happily married were always joined by their spouses during our little sessions.

A knock on the door made my heart leap into my throat. I jumped from the couch, rushing to greet Alexander at the door. I pause briefly looking into the foyer mirror.

Alright bitch! You look ready to school some people in Confrontation 101.

"Hello. You look beautiful," he complimented as soon as I came into view.

"Thank you." I smirked, "You don't look so bad yourself."

I took in his distressed dark wash jeans and Dallas Cowboys t-shirt stretched tight across his chest and biceps. He was dressed more casual than I was, but it didn't matter. He still oozed sex appeal.

"You ready to do this?" His southern accent caressed my ears, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Hell yeah," I tossed back.


"Mr Petry will see you now, sir." His new secretary informed us. I'm guessing he needed someone to actually do work since Meredith was.. engaged in other duties.

I trailed behind Alexander, trying to stay hidden until the last possible moment. Jason's office was mere feet from us now and my nerves were buzzing. His hand enclosed on the handle as Jason's voice rung from behind it.

"Alexander! Great to see you again," he beamed coming into view. "You've met my lovely wife Meredith."

I followed into the room moments later, watching as the grin was wiped off his face. He quickly shirked his "wife's" arm off his shoulder, taking a massive step away from her. The smile that graced my lips couldn't have been any brighter.

"Shame I missed the wedding, but you know, Jason dear, bigamy is illegal." The words slipped off my tongue like honey.

"Mia! What are you doing here?" He rushed. Panic filling his eyes.

"Alexander was informing me about an investment opportunity. When he mentioned you and your wife here, I just couldn't wait to hear what you both had to say," my condescending attitude in full bloom.

"Mia, please! Can we discuss this after the meeting? I promise if you just let me explain," he pleaded.

"Ohh, there really isn't any need for a meeting," Alexander enlightened him.

"What?" His face dropped more, if that was even possible.

"Sir, with all do respect, we've work really hard to bring you the best investment opportunity possible. Our predictions are showing a 20% increase in the next year. With these projections we're looking at a lot of money in all of our pockets," Meredith decided now would be a perfect moment to open her muzzle.

"I'm sure you're projections are great ma'am, but unfortunately it comes down to ethics. Whatever is going on here," Alexander pointed between Jason and Meredith, "we want know part of."  

"Our personal lives have nothing to do with our work ethic," the bitch countered.

"My decision is final," he declared, making his way towards the door.

"Mia, wait!" Jason begged, grabbing my wrist. "At least let me know how they're both doing? I'm going crazy not being able to see her."

I almost felt bad for him. The tears gathered in his eyes making him look like a broken man. I knew his love for her was genuine. The movement behind him shattered any pity I could have felt for him.

"Doesn't look like you're losing too much sleep over it," I nodded towards his mistress and turned on my heel to leave.


Jason's POV

I stared at the door as my only opportunity to get my wife back walked away. I fucked up. I know I did, but for some reason I just couldn't stop making shit decisions. I had everything I ever wanted in life and tossed it out the window to get my dick wet for a moment.

"Don't panic. I have a few investors in mind. I'll start making some calls-" Meredith started.

"Stop," I interrupted. "It's over. Collect all your stuff and go. I'll make sure you're given a great letter of recommendation, but I can't do this anymore."

"Excuse me?" Her eyes narrowed. "You think you can just toss me to the side like garbage? I don't think so sweetie. I'll cause a shit show for this company! Oh no, we're not done here."

"Yes we are. You can go quietly or I can have you escorted out. I'm sorry it has to be like this, but I need to start righting some wrongs in my life. I should have never let this get out of hand.

"Now I'm going to only tell you this once. I want you and your things gone by the end of the day. You are to stay away from this company and my wife. If I hear so much as a peep from you in the media I will retract my recommendation and you will never work in this industry again."

"I'm sure I could get quite the book deal from this. Wouldn't even need this industry again," she threatened. I expected this but I wasn't worried.

"It's not wise to try to intimidate me, my dear. I have more shit on you than I know what do to with!" I growled.

"This isn't over," she declared leaving my office.

"Oh yes it is," I mumbled under my breath.

I lowered my self into my chair, while dropping my head to my desk. I've got a lot of shit to make up for, but I wasn't going to lose the best thing that's ever happened to me. I panicked when Alexis told me we were going to be parents. I was so scared that I was going to fuck up somehow that I sabotaged everything before I had a chance.

"Nadine," I buzzed to the new secretary.

"Yes sir?" She quickly responded.

"Cancel my calls for the day. I'm going to be out of the office today,"

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