Son Of A Whore..Literally

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"We want you to be aware of different pain relief options you have when giving birth. The most common, I'm sure you've heard of, is an epidural. Now epidurals are very effective for blocking out pain, but it can make it hard to push the baby out." The birthing coach lectured.

"Oohh. That's the one we're getting," I whisper in Alexis's ear.

"We're not getting shit. I am getting an epidural." She learns further back into me so I can hear her.

"Another option is analgesics."

"Did this bitch just say anal?" I whisper-shout to her.

"Analgesic. Means painkillers," she deadpans.

"I have selective hearing," I joke.


"You look beautiful. Wealthy client?" I glanced back and chuckle at the sight before me. Alexis was clothed in a kangaroo onesie with a green mask gunked on her face.

"No. It's uhh.. actually the guy from yesterday that brought me home asked me to dinner tonight. For some ungodly reason I said yes."

"Wait, what? Like a date?" Her eyes widening on her green face.

"No just dinner," I smirk shaking my head. "Don't try to turn this into something that it's not."

The doorbell saved me from what would surely have been a police style interrogation. I saunter to the door, feeling nervous all of a sudden. My body stops itself mere feet from the door. I turn on my heel and grip Alexis's forearms.

"What am I doing? I don't go out with people who aren't clients." I panic.

"Mia, relax. It's just dinner." She reassured.

"Right," I calm slightly, "just dinner. I just need a moment to collect myself."

"Whoops. My hand slipped," my so call best friend gasped opening the front door.

"Alexander," I rasp.

"Mia, you look beautiful," he compliments.

"Thank you." I take in the tall muscular man before me. A white button down pressed tight to his chest with sleeves rolled up to the top of his forearm. Dark jeans adorned the glorious lower half of his body, snug in all the right places.

I wipe my drool off my chin and take an out stretched hand provided to me. I would love to stand there and mentally undress him but hopefully after dinner I'll get do it physically.

We drive in some-what silence, filling the void with casual small talk occasionally. I could tell he was a bit nervous and kept wiping his palms on his jeans as he drove. We soon pull up to Yardbird Southern Table and Bar. It's been a while since I've been to a restaurant that shows the prices on the menu.

"I've actually never been here before," his accent like honey dripping down my body, taking my panties as it flowed down.

We reach our table and sat across from each other. I was mildly distracted with how attractive he is that I forgot to answer.

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