Part one

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"JOHN" my sister Harriet yells
I shoot up from my bed
"John! You need to be ready by 7:45"
Harriet yells
I peer at the clock 7:00
"Crap" I mumble to myself.
I quickly jump out of bed and shower. I CANNOT be late for my first day at 'Baskerville boarding school' I had barely got the scholarship when I applied online during my parents last argument, I didn't even mean to press submit so you can imagine my suprise when I got the email telling me that I started next week.
I quickly finished my shower, got dressed, and loaded my bags in the car- all by 7:42. I climbed into the passenger seat and Harriet started the long drive to the train station.
Nearly 1 hour later we arrived. The first thing I noticed was a few kids m age (16-17) waiting and chatting excitedly. I walked up to a smaller group of kids with our school uniform on and introduced myself.
"Um hi- I'm John Watsom"
"Hi" one of the girls said "I'm Molly hooper" she then gave me a warm smile and turned to introduce me to the others.
"This is Greg Lestrade" Molly says introducing me to a tall, gray/ silver haired 16-17 year old.
"Hi mate" Greg says to me
"Hi" I respond
"And um this is Mary Morstan" Molly say, gesturing to a pretty, girl with short blond hair.
"Hi" I say with a smile
"Hey" she responds with a grin
"And this is Sally and Anderson" Molly says gesturing to a, dark skinned girl and a slick black haired guy.
"...I wonder who freak will be paired up with this year" Sally comments
"Maybe his roommate will last more than 2 weeks this time" Anderson replies.
That comment left them both laughing there heads off
"You guys should be nicer to him, at least he tries!" Molly nearly yells!
"Oh no what's gonna happen? ... His brother is gonna get me suspended" Anderson wonders.
"Molly's right. You should be nicer" Greg says to Anderson and Sally.
"Who's freak?" I ask Molly
"Umm he's a kid, our age... And um his brother runs the school....and um. He's a genius." Molly says slowly.
"And that makes him a freak how?" I ask Molly
"Er- you'll see" Molly replies.
"Speak of the devil" Greg says as a black car pulls up, and a taller 25 year old guy steps out.
"That's Mcroft Holmes, the headmaster" Molly whispers
Just as she says that a tall, skinny figure steps out of the car, he is wearing a long black trench coat, and a blue scaft. His porcelain white skin sticks out against the black car he is standing in front of. His chocolate black hair and coat are blowing in the wind. He sees us and walks up to is and says
"The names Holmes, Sherlock Holmes."

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