Part 4

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Why'd I have to get beat up. On the first day?!' The new boy - John, John Watson. I like how that sounded.
Anyway but now he probably thinks I'm a nerd who can't control my temper! Gaa! Now the whole train is staring at m as they move me to the seat. Geez.
"Soo... John said.. "I'm like the only new kid here... Do I have a roommate?"
"Ask Mycroft" Molly says to john.
But I know the anwser. Mycroft told me if everybody showed up-which they did- that there was only 2 open rooms. Mine and a kid named Dean. But I think I heard that Dean ended up bringing his own roommate, a kid named Sam. And I was not going to have a roommate. HE COULD not stay WITH me!

Like he would want to anyways.

Suddenly something cold is placed to my temple.i jolt upwards.
"Calm down" says John " it's ice it's not going to kill you!" He joked.
I felt a jolt of relief! He hasn't called me 'freak' yet. But it was a matter of time. Even Greg called me freak.
"Maybe I'll have one of you guys as a roommate" john says to no one I'm particular.
"We all already have roommates" says Greg sadly. But them he looks at me and I shoot him a look that says 'Dont' . he shrugs.
The rest of the ride was silent.
We pulled up to the school and all got off. Everybody was sharing schedules and meeting with roommates. I silently went up to my room. 221b. Room 221 and hallway b.
I sighed as I it called 'freak' and 'psychopath' over 37 times.
I opened the door and observed my room. 2 beds but only one was used. I simply got out a science book and read until 45 minuet later there was a knock at my door... No one knocked at my door...
I open it...
"Oh... Hello , John" I find myself saying.

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