Part 7

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(A/N hi guys:) so um if your reading this and you are NOT following me if you follow me I will follow back:) so yeah.)
I thought I was giving him courage. I Thought I was helping. I was trying to be nice. Then he ran off leaving me in the dust.
I don't understand. Not one part of me understands. Why do I even CARE where my roommate goes. I am probably gonna switch rooms within a week.
I sigh. I couldn't do that to Sherlock. I was his only Friend. Well at least I thought he was until he ran off.
I needed answers so I walked up to Greg's table.
"Where does sherlock usually go?" I ask Greg.
"Wait was he in the lunch room earlier?!" Greg asks
"Yeah... Why?" I ask suspiciously.
"That's weird. He doesn't usually eat. Like-ever" Greg says dumbfounded
"That's horrible why?!" I ask
"I don't really know."he responds
"Oh." I say.
"Check the woods" Greg final says.
I rush off without saying thank you.
As I am wondering in the woods, I see a few boulders on the edge of a small cliff. On top of the boulders I see Sherlock standing and looking straight ahead at the fields. I try to walk forward and be quiet but when I'm about 100 feet away I hear
"You really shouldn't sneak up on me you know..."

Sherlock POV

Well that went well. I probably scared him. He was probably coming to say that he'll be moving out and all I did was scare him. But in my perspective. He was sneaking up on me.
"How did you... Never mind."
John stutters
"How did you find me." I question him.
"Um Greg told me"
I whipped around to face him
"Who's Greg?"
"Ohhhhh you mean Gavin"
"Um. Sherlock you've known him for 2 years, and I've known him for 2 hours and I know his name..."
" know his last name.."
"That's different..."
"Not reall-annnyway I came out here to talk to you."
"What do you mean!"
"Nobody talks to me."


Wow. That was... Wow.
He looks at me. For the first time in FOREVER. And turns and walks off the cliff
"SHERLOCK" I scream
"What!" He screams. Wait. What?! I climb over the Boulder and peer over the edge.
"What! There's a ledge! What did you think I would JUMP off the CLIFF!"
"I don't know! I've known you for like 3 hours!!!"
"John. I wouldn't jump."
And with that we hurry off to the school.

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