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(Y/n) woke up, with the sun beaming in her eyes and a snoring Rock to the left of her.
His snoring could be heard from at least a five mile radius. 'Just how in the world did I sleep next to this snoring machine?'
Still getting used to her new surroundings she realized that Jyugo was not in the cell. 'Where could that boy possibly be right now?' And as if to answer her question, the cell door flew open. This startled the rest of (y/n)'s roomies. It was fairly obvious due to the fact Rock stopped snoring, Uno woke up and tried to run but ended up hitting the wall, and poor Nico baby using (Y/n) as a shield. Hajime was holding Jyugo in his hands like he was a puppy. It was quite funny.
"Number 25, it is time to take your medication from doctor Otogi." Hajime said nonchalantly but still going Nico's attention.
"Wooohooo! I love visiting doctor Otogi! He is the best!" Nico said with anime sparkles all around him.
"Whatever number 25, let's just hurry up and go." Hajime announced acting as if he could give two shits about doing this. "This is supposed to be Seitarou's job anyway."
"Hey gorilla, can I come too?"(y/n) ask knowing she had to take her medication soon if she did not want a repeat of recent events.
"First off don't call me gorilla. Secondly why do you need to come? Didn't Seitarou give you your medicine last night?" Hajime ask a little annoyed at the twig of a girl.
"Listen here gorilla, I have no clue who this Seitarou is but I certainly never seen him because I never once received my nightly dosage of medication from this man. Also I have to take my medication in the morning and night. And i believe we would both like me to be in good health, now wouldn't we?" (Y/n) ask getting slightly irritated at the fact someone was supposed to deliver her medicine to her and failed to do so.
Hajime turned pale at this fact! It was almost as if he was a ghost, or was soon going to soon be one. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH WHAT!" Hajime's shrill voice could be heard throughout the entire building almost. This resulted in all of the boys hiding behind you for protection. 'I guess they're doing this because I'm new and think he won't hit me or are they that afraid of him?'
Once Hajime stopped his screaming he grabbed both you and Nico forcefully and started dragging you two too the medical center. Keeping up with Hajime was hard for both (y/n) and Nico, seeing as he was a good bit taller than (y/n). (Y/n) turned to Nico and mouthed , "Is he always in a hurry to get to the medical center?"
Nico looked back at her and mouthed, "He never has been in a hurry with me. Maybe it is just the fact that you didn't get your nightly dosage?"
(Y/n) was about to mouth something else to Nico but was stopped by the medical door being slammed open. Hajime releases Nico and instructs him to go take his medicine while he practically held (y/n) in a death grip till doctor Otogi was done with him.
Hajime's grip was tightening by the second and was starting to hurt. (Y/n) tried to get his attention by tapping him but that only seemed to make his grip on her tighter. When she had finally had enough of this (y/n) used her freehand to grab Hajime's arm and flip him on his back so his grip would cease.
"Do you not know how to take a hint?! I kept tapping you because Wylie grip was getting to hard! I mean come on dude, I'm already nothing but bones and my bruises are still trying to heal from when you found me! What are you trying to do add the the collection of bruises?!"(y/n) yelled infuriated at the man for making her bicep turn a dark shade of purple that would surely hurt over the next couple of weeks.
Hajime looked at the girl in bewilderment as to how she bruised so easily and how powerful she was for someone like her, however before he had a chance to justify he actions (y/n) spoke up once more.
"Do you really think I'm going to try and run away? How stupid are you? This medication is the only thing keeping me alive! Do you really think I'm going to run away from the source of my life?" (Y/n) said but the cracks in her voice were imminent and the tears on the brink of falling only showed how much more she was actually broken.
Hajime didn't know how to respond. He honestly thought she would be like the rest of her cell mates and take every opportunity she had to try and escape. However that would never be her case, he could tell she meant every word she spoke. These pills were her lifeline, if they were to disappear over a certain amount of time so would she. He felt like a fool to assume she would be like the idiots she shares a cell with.
The silence in the air became unbearable so
(Y/n) just decided to go sit on a hospital bed till the doc was ready for her.
Once she had sat down it was then that Nico came out as happy as could be, beaming with joy and covered in stickers.
" Miss (y/n), I believe. You missed a dosage of medication." Doctor Otogi spoke weary of the situation at hand.
"I can not help what I can not control doc. Just give me my medicine from last night and this morning and there should be no problem. However if this Seitarou fails to deliver again be prepared to see me once more today." (Y/n) stated with a death glare directed at Hajime.
"I understand (y/n), but could I possibly discuss with Hajime the terms of your condition?" Doctor Otogi ask, not sure of where the boundaries lie with this girl.
"You may tell him when I am not present or within earshot. I have heard it one to many time and do not wish to hear it again." (Y/n)'s voice boomed. Almost as if they were to defy this demand they would regret it. Both of the men nodded with Hajime proceeding to remove himself from the floor. (Y/n) held her hand out indicating she wanted her medicine and did not wish to discuss this matter further. Once Doctor Otogi have her, her pills Hajime couldn't help but hawk at how many were in her hand.
"You take that many 14 pills a day?" Hajime ask his voice quite unsure if it was alright to ask questions.
"It's better than what I started out. So I can't really complain, now can I?" (Y/n) ask.
"How can you-"before Hajime had a chance to finish he was cut off by (y/n)
"Listen well Hajime, I have taken my medicine along with Nico and answered your question, if that is all I believe me and Nico would like to go back to our cell." (Y/n) stayed venom laced in her words. It made all three men in the room cower with fear of what would happen, but he obligated to her request and took both of them back.
Once both Nico and (Y/n) returned to their designated cell, Nico could tell that (y/n) was upset because of something Hajime did. Nico had spent the last two hours along with the boys trying to make her happy. Nothing worked, until they started yelling at each other for saying the others idea to try and cheer (y/n) up. Laughter echoed off the walls of the cell and all the boys turned to soon find that the laughter came from none other than (y/n). Her laughter was like music to their ears. They were kind of upset that their previous attempts to make her happy failed, but glad that their bickering made her laugh and smile. More hours went by with all five of them still enjoying each other's company. Than the midst of their joy, was interrupted by a man with a long blue ponytail that almost looked like a Christmas tree.
"Excuse me, I am here to deliver number 5's nightly dosage of medication." This man was timid. Anyone could see it from his posture to his voice. He didn't have the guts to be mean at all. This made (y/n) like him very quickly. He reminded her of a small child.
"I am her. I would like my pills please." (Y/n) said trying not to scare the man. Unknown to her, her roomies were glaring daggers into this mans skull.
"Wait one I have one question. What is your name, because I feel like calling you 'blue Christmas tree' isn't right." (Y/n) said in a very sarcastic tone.
"Oh I'm Seitarou. And please forgive me for forgetting your medication last night! I never meant to cause you any distress! I was just working on paperwork and time slipped by and next thing I knew I was asleep! Please forgive me!" Seitarou said all of this while bowing his head and on the brink of tears to (y/n).
(Y/n) was in shock. She did not know how to respond, however the boys took their chance and pounced in him. Rock, Uno, and Nico were yelling incoherent insults at him while Jyugo was holding her protectively. After so many insults have been thrown (y/n) broke free from Jyugo's hold and smacked all the boys upside their head.
"He said he was sorry. That is no reason to make fun of him and diminish what little ego he has left. He won't forget again right?" (Y/n) said looking to Seitarou. With a look of admiration Seitarou shouted at the top of his lungs, " Yes ma'am! I will not forget! Thank you for your kindness!" And with that Seitarou left to go to his job.
"Did you really have to hit us?" Rock whined.
"Oh please, that was hardly anything. Now who wants to watch anime?"
"Yeah!" They all scream in unison.

•••••with Hajime••••••
'So that's why she depends on that medicine so much. Can't really say I blame her. But still, how does that twig have that much strength? It has to be stored somewhere. Just what in the world are you exactly (y/n)?'

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