Just Another Day At Nanba

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It's was just another day at Nanba. Nico was watching anime, Rock was talking about his favorite foods, Uno was looking at a women's magazine while having (y/n) over his shoulder telling him what was true for her and what wasn't. Jyugo on the other hand was tired of being stuck in this cell. He had gone a whole three days without breaking out of his cell, which was honestly probably a record for him. Also he was getting jealous at how close you were to both Uno and Nico. He could understand you being close to Nico, due to the fact you both share a medical problem, but you being close to Uno he could never understand. Maybe it was because he was the one to make the first move to get to know you? Or maybe it was because you both had a love for playing cards? Whatever it was that made you two so close it was over Jyugo's head and it was starting to annoy him. Today would be the day that he impressed you with his master escape artist skills.
"Hey guys, we have been in this cell for more than three days, what do you say we go for a little break out?" Jyugo ask in hopes everyone will agree.
"You're right man, it is due time we give Hajime a hard time!" Uno said with a smirk on his face.
"As long as we don't take to long. I don't want to miss my new anime series that starts in thirty minutes." Nico said but still happy to oblige with Jyugo's wishes.
"Ehh, dinner isn't till another good two hours. I'm game." Rock said thinking with his stomach again.
All the boys turned to (y/n) to see her input on the matter. "Won't Hajime get mad at us for leaving?" (Y/n) ask not really sure if she should tag along.
"He most certainly will be, but the worse he will do is hit us on the head or just extend our terms here. Nothing to be afraid of sunshine." Uno said in a matter of fact tone, trying to persuade the girl.
"Sunshine? Uno are you that desperate for a girl that you are hitting on me now?" (Y/n) ask in a mocking tone.
"All I'm saying is that 'Trouble' doesn't suit you. I just feel like you need a little nickname that will make you feel special. Also since I now call her Sunshine, you guys have to come up with your own names for her, so HA!" Uno said with a victorious grin on his face. Almost as if he had just won the lottery.
This was really pissing Jyugo off. First they get along for reasons over his head and now Uno has a nickname for (y/n). 'This means war Uno!' Jyugo thought internally.
"So are you in or out (y/n)?" Jyugo ask in a desperate manner.
"I mean if that is the worst Hajime will do to us, I'm in." (Y/n) stated nonchalantly, as if she could care less. Jyugo being the boy he is, not being signs as to whether a person cared or not, practically jumped up and down like a little kid who just got the best birthday present ever. 'This is my chance to show (y/n) just how cool I am before she gets in good with Rock!'
"Alright than, lady and gentlemen get ready to run for your life's!" All four of you laughed at how Jyugo announced that like a speaker from a sports competition! But once all of you stopped laughing you all made your way to the hallway and began running.

••••••In the security room••••
"This is awful, all inmates from cell thirteen have escaped!" Seitarou screamed at the top of his lungs all while his facial expression was one of fear.
"Quit your whining Seitarou! This is Nanba prison! They won't get out! The guards or traps are bound to get them!" Hajime shouted at the blue Christmas tree.

••••Back with the inmates••••
"Do you guys do this on a daily basis?"(y/n) ask while running ahead of Uno and Jyugo.
"Yep," Jyugo said making sure to make the p pop "we do it everyday just to get Hajime's nerves, and to find out what new traps they have installed."
"Oh really, I would say that sounds completely boring but I can't really argue with you there. If you are trying to get out it is good to know where the traps are and which way is best to get out. Nice thinking Jyugo." (Y/n) practically praises this mans efforts like he had thought of everything.
Sadly this seemed to have caught the boy off guard seeing as he did not notice he was leading them down a hallway that soon closed them off with no where to go but forward.
"So much for their high tech. security." Nico said in an almost disappointed manner.
"Hold on there for a second." Uno said while having a smirk on his face, almost as if he knew something the rest didn't.
"Huh, what's the matter?"(y/n) ask unsure of what threat was posed since there was nothing in front of them.
With that said, Uno held up a card and threw it into thin air only to have it burn to ash by lasers and whistles as it turned into dust. Once done marveling his trick he began to draw on the graph during a series of lines and stated matter of factly, "Lasers are laid out like so."
"There is no way you memorized it." Jyugo said unconvinced at what Uno was suggesting.
"Had another hunch." Uno said in a cocky tone.
"Can we still trust it?" Rock ask unsure if it was correct or not.
"Since when have my hunches lead us astray?" Uno ask.
"Not a once." Rock announced and having full confidence in Uno.
"I think I'm gonna sit this one out and see how it goes."(y/n) says weary of the fact that if Uno was wrong she might get burned to a pile of ash.
"You're breaking my heart not trusting me but I understand. Alright boys follow my lead. Hand out, back, and step, and pose!" Uno shouted waiting for Rock and Nico to follow his lead.
"So hand out, back, and step, and pose!" Both boys screamed in victorious unison.
Afraid to see what would happen next (y/n) turns to Jyugo only to find him at a panel.
"Hey, what you looking at there?" (Y/n) ask curious as to what Jyugo was doing.
"You, my sweet little thing, are about to see a master at work!" Jyugo stayed as he disarmed the lasers. Once he turned around he was only found with (y/n) with a look of bewilderment on her face as if she had just seen the most amazing thing in the world happen.
"First:How did you learn that? Secondly:Should we tell the guys you disarmed the threat?"(y/n) ask hoping more for Jyugo to say yes to the first one because she was quite enjoying the show before her and Jyugo's eyes of the boys bending backwards with one foot on the air.
"I can try my best to teach you, but as for the second one I think me and you can both agree we are enjoying this show." Jyugo states matter  of factly.
"That's fair."(y/n) says with a huge grin on her face. Not just because of the show she is watching before her but also because she would be learning how to escape from Jyugo.
"I'm slipping!" Rock shouts while desperate to keep his form, only to have Nico drag him and Uno down with him.
While those threw are down on the ground in bewilderment as to why they aren't a pile of ash, I put my arm around Jyugo's shoulders and start walking past those three.
"Wait how?" Nico ask confused as to how we are walking without getting hurt.
"Oh, Sir master of escape artist turned it off!" (Y/n) said in the most sarcastic voice she could conjure.
"If you found the damn security panel why didn't you tell us?" Uno said in a joking manner.
"And interrupt your yoga session?" Jyugo came back at him.
That is need with all five of us laughing but that was completely short lived due to the fact the walls were closing in on us.
"Awkward looks like hacking that security panel triggers this trap." Jyugo said trying to think of what to do.
"So it's your fault we are about to be 2-D?!" Uno asked hysterically.
"Sounds exciting!" Nico exclaimed.
"Shut up! I don't want to be the meat in the sandwich!" Uno whined.
"Now you got me thinking about sandwiches." Rock said still thinking with his stomach.
"Up there an air vent!"(y/n) shouted to her fellow roomies, hoping they would understand what she was getting at. When the walls got close enough they all stated to climb their way up to the air vent.
"Hurry!" Jyugo shouted nonchalantly.
"How suspenseful!" Nico announced like this was the most fun he had in years.
With Rock being the last of the five of us in the air vent we all started to make our way down it.

•••••Security room••••••
"So block sixteen, they're past it." Seitarou said in a defeated tone.
"That's a fortunate place for an air vent!" Hajime shouted in frustration.

•••••Back to inmates•••••
"Can you guys move any faster? I mean come on, you guys were fast back there what's the excuse now?"(y/n) getting slightly irked at how slow they were traveling.
"Oh hello, they're using sleeping gas that makes you sleepy. I remember it from another prison." Nico stated matter of fact.
"Yeah thanks for the tip. Come on guys it's time to go down, we don't have time to nap." Jyugo said as he kicked open another air vent that would let us walk the hallways once more. First to jump out was Jyugo, Nico, Uno than (y/n) only for them to all be crushed by a clumsy Rock who can't land correctly. Making all of you fall with him in the process. Once all of you push him off, Jyugo says, "Watch where you're landing man!"
Only when all five of the inmates stand up do they see a giant boulder heading their way.
All the inmates start to scream their heads off and run for their life's!
"Looks like they're starting to get serious on us now!" Rock shouted at the top of his lungs trying not to get crushed by the boulder.
"They had one of these in a Russian prison!" Uno said as if it were nothing new.
"How'd you get away?" Nico ask desperate for an answer.
"How do you think, I ran!" Uno said once again like this was nothing new.
With us still running for our lives there soon came a dead end!
"Look a trash shoot!" Jyugo shouted.
"No wait it's probably a-" but before Uno had time to finish we were all shoved in trash shoot holding onto eat other for dear life. Rock was holding (y/n) by the waist, she was holding Nico by the legs, Nico was holding Uno by his arm, and Uno and holding shirt.
"Is this prison trying to kill us?!?!!"(y/n) screeched at the top of her lungs seeing the electrified spiked below her.
"If it looks to easy it's usually just another trap." Uno said.
With that said and done Rock started to pull everyone out of the trash shoot and onto the next challenge.
'This prison really is different from all the other ones I have been to.'(y/n) thought to herself.
While caught up in her thoughts (y/n) failed to acknowledge the guns in the room trained on all of them. This did not make her happy! She had always been used to guns being pointed at her but never her friends! With this in mind, (y/n)'s eyes started to turn a deep shade of ultra violet, resulting in the guns diminishing to nothing and the men being sent back to the walls knocked out unconscious.
The boys did not know what just happened, all they knew was that they could pass freely now. Many traps later and almost dying due to the stupid exit they were finally, only to be met with a mad Hajime.
All the boys, except Nico who passed out from fear, took a shot at Hajime in hopes of reaching freedom, while (y/n) on the other hand was just playing with the water from the ocean.
"You make it all the way out here and this is what you do? I honestly thought you would be the one to reason with them!" Hajime said his voice laced with disappointment.
"I've never actually planned on leaving Hajime. You know that as well as I do. I just happen to be a fan of the ocean and since the exit to your building is the only way for me to play in it, I see no harm since you would still know where I am and I am causing no trouble."(y/n) stated as if nothing was wrong.
"Look I know you don't like handcuffs, so could you just use your powers to go back to your cell for me?" Hajime ask not wanting to deal with anymore crap today.
"I can't. I used some on the guards just to get out here. I could get halfway, but since I don't know my way around like those four that are now unconscious I would be completely lost. Let's make a deal so you dint have to worry about me and I don't have to worry about getting lost. I am NOT going in handcuffs, so I will help you carry my roomies back to the cell and that way you have your eyes on me and I get back to my room deal?"
Hajime didn't really have to think this over seeing as it was a win win situation. He accepted (y/n) deal and lead her back to her cell while she was carrying two of her fellow roomies.
"Number 5, you said you used your powers on the guards earlier?" Hajime questioned the girl.
"As odd as it sounds, yes I was able to. I do not know what all Dr. Otogi told you, but the medicine does not cancel out my powers it just dampens them to where they do minimal damage compared to the real force of it. Understand?" (Y/n) ask seeing if the man was actually comprehending what she was implying.
"I understand. And next time, I know you probably can't but, please try to reason with them to stay in here. Also if you wanted to see the ocean you probably just asked Seitarou and he would be happy to oblige." Hajime said.
"Understood Hajime."
"Also one more thing, since you can use your powers and I don't understand the extent of them you're visiting the monkey tomorrow." Hajime said leaving a quizzical  (y/n) in her room with her passed out roomies wondering 'what could a monkey do for me? Also why is a monkey in charge of a building?'

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