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imagine:you and oscar are in a relationship and you have a kid but you can't spend time with them because you work long hours and are normally really TIRED when you get home.


I huffed kicking off my shoes and dropping my bag at the front door. I trudged upstairs, my feet aching with every step. As I pushed open our bedroom door, I heard light snores coming from inside. Realising that Oscar and Miles were asleep, I picked up my dressing gown before reaching for my slippers.

As I set one foot forward, I stepped on a piece of stray Lego and was about to cry out in pain, before stopping myself by biting hard on my hand. Wincing in pain, I hobbled out the door, shutting it behind me.

A few minutes later, I was settled on the couch, my feet in a warm foot bath and me wrapped in my dressing gown with an additional blanket or two. I closed my eyes slowly, relishing in the peace and quiet and feeling the tiredness finally take over. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I was woken by the feeling of lips on my neck.


Surprised by the sudden action, I jolted up, hitting the back of head.


"Oh my god, I'm so sorry babe, I didn't realise it was you." I got up, wrapping my arms around his neck, and leaning in to peck his nose. "Sorry."

"It's ok. I was just excited to see you."

I smiled, pecking his lips before resting my face on his chest. "Me too."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I closed my eyes, the warmth of his chest lulling me to sleep.


"If you're that tired just come to bed and sleep."

I shook my head and looked up. "No, I've still got some reports to finish and if I get them done, I'll be more relaxed. It's only a few pages-"

"No" He put his hands on my cheeks. "You're coming to bed. Now." He started pulling me towards the stairs.

"Bebé I can't. I'll finish them and then I'll be there."

Reluctantly, he let go of my hand and nodded before pointing a finger at me. "Fine, but you better come soon."

I bit my lip. "Yeah, of course. I'll be up in an hour."

I watched him walk to the stairs before turning around to wink at me. Giggling silently, I shook my head. God, this man still makes me feel all types of way.


A few hours later, I was sat in the dark of the living room, typing quickly on my laptop. Glancing at the time, I let out a sigh. I told Oscar I'd be done in an hour and it's now been nearly three hours since I said that. God, I was so tired, I just wanted to go to sleep. Work was taking a toll on me. I was finishing at late hours and then I had to come home and finish extra work if I wanted to get paid more.I just wanted to see my baby boy and Oscar more.

I let out a quite sob as I stared at my laptop screen. "Why is that too much to ask?" I whispered into the dark. Shaking my head, I covered my face, the tears running down my face.

Suddenly, the light switched on. Blinking quickly, I looked up, meeting Oscar's worried face.Seeing my tear-stricken face, he crouched down, putting a hand on my knee.

"Princesa, what's wrong?"

My lips trembled and I shook my head before looking down, my hair covering my face. He pushed my chin up with his finger, causing me to look into his eyes.

"You can tell me."

So I did.

About an hour later, we were both lying on the couch, my face resting on his chest and my body between his legs. I had my eyes closed, while Oscar's hand was slowly stroking my hair. We were sitting there in silence before Oscar cleared his throat.

"You know, I could get a job." I looked up confused and he looked down at me expectantly.

"But...What about the Santos? Isn't that a big enough responsibility and how will you manage?"

He shook his head. "It's ok, I've got Cesar and Tony as well, they can look after the Santos while I have a job."

I nodded slowly, the idea of Oscar having a job seemed like a good thing,

"It will have to be part time, but it'll help and it'll mean you don't have to work as long as you do," He stroked my cheek, "And it means Miles will actually be able to spend time with his Mama."

I nodded, smiling gently at him as I kissed his hand. "Thank you."

"Anything for you mi Reina, anything for you."

———☀️ ———

a/n: i know it short but it's only my first one, others will be longer but for now enjoy this meme 😉

a/n: i know it short but it's only my first one, others will be longer but for now enjoy this meme 😉

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