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A/N: I know everyone wants an update on protect and I promise it is coming! But for now, I hope this imagine is good enough😬 Sorry!!!

imagine:you've been in a relationship with Oscar for a while but more recently he's been leaving you alone to do gang sh!t and something terrifying happens...

warning:scary situation and protective & fluffy (emotional) oscar 🤧

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The sound of the keyboard clacking on your fingers monotonously echoed around the room and you let out an exasperated sigh. Becoming a writer might've seemed like a perfect career at the age of 16, but now almost 7 years laters, it only seemed to drain your energy at an alarmingly fast rate.

Huffing, you slid out of the desk chair and trudged towards the kitchen. As you took the orange juice carton out of the refrigerator, you scoffed to yourself. Only a few weeks ago, you had been terrified at the idea of Oscar leaving you all alone at night but you realised that as time went on, sometimes you didn't even realise Oscar had left or had come back. You still loved him extremely, but it was exhausting trying to convince him to stay and instead you learnt how to tackle you fears on your own.

Grabbing a glass out of the cupboard, you froze when you heard a sudden crash coming from the back of the house. Instinctively, your hand reached for the knife drawer, but before you could get a perfect weapon,you heard footsteps round the corner and ducked behind the island in the kitchen.

Sweat beaded your brow and you reached into your sweatpants for your phone. To your horror, it wasn't there and instead was lying a few meters away on the other side of the island. Taking deep breaths, you calmed yourself as you tiptoed and grabbed your phone. Before you could get back, you heard footsteps around the corner and you ducked quickly.

"You sure this is his house?"

A gruff voice answered, laced with menace. "Si, of course I am. Do you take me for an idiota amigo? Huh?"

You heard another voice scoff. "No, of course not. But no-one's home."

"He's not according to my man that's been watching his house, it should be an easy-"

You heard footsteps coming to your side of the island, so you crawled to the other end holding yourself closely against the island wall.

"Hey amigo, answer this question honestly. Do you think this pendejo is the kind of person to drink '100% Natural Orange Juice'?" He chuckled lowly, "I think we have a guest in the house...And I think she's hiding from us."

Your eyes widened, and you tried to furiously think of somewhere to hide.

The man with the gruff voice, who seemed to be the leader, spoke again. "You check the bedroom, I'll check the bathroom. Let's hope I catch her in the shower." He chuckled loudly and you heard the footsteps receding.

Hoping for the best, you tiptoed silently towards the guest room a few doors away. As you slid inside, you heard one of them calling for the other one.

"Boss, I'm pretty sure she's still in the house. Her laptop's still running."

Gasping quietly, you tried to find a decent place to hide. Your breaths were coming in pants and you struggled to keep a few tears from leaving your eyes. Sniffling,you spotted the storage box in the closet. You dashed towards it and as quiet as possible, you folded yourself in. After successfully hiding yourself, you let out a breath before wincing at the tight space. 

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