First night with the boys

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(( hey guys! So life is finally back to normal for me and I'm so happy about that! I know this isn't much but here's the next chapter!! Enjoy loves!~ ))

Serena POV

After we got home, Toby and Tim went to put everything away. I laid down on the couch and let out a relaxed sigh. Brian walked into the living room and smiled at me.

"H-how did it go, Serena?" He asked sitting next to me. I smiled at him slightly

"It was alright until Tim awkwardly met a friend of mine.....I'm actually thankful the you called when you did." Brian chuckled

"Y-Your welcome t-then" I tried not to squeal at how adorable he looked (hoodie is so cute!! Gotta love the shy killer~)

"how was everything while we were gone?" I ask yawning a little. Brian chuckled.

"N-nothing really. T-Toby got b-bored though. He w-wouldn't stop complaining a-about when you would g-get back." I laugh at the thought of Toby complaining.

"that much have been either hilarious or extremely annoying."

"H-he was getting p-pretty annoying a-actually" we heard footsteps and I looked over to see an annoyed Toby and a laughing Tim

"Annoying huh?" Toby asked glaring at us. I can easily tell he's messing around but I don't think Brian did.

"I-I didn't m-mean it like that T-Toby! H-honestly!" Brian said in slight fear. I sighed, getting up and walking over to Toby. I gently hit him on the head and playfully glared at him

"Leave him alone Toby. Now you boys do whatever the hell you want. I'm gonna go make dinner."

"Is it waffles!?!" Toby asked excitedly. Tim rolled his eyes and hit Toby on the head like I did, but harder.

"Shut up Toby. It's not waffles." Toby sulked for a moment before sitting on the couch.

"Fine....what is it then?"

"You'll see~ Now if you need me I'll be cooking" I walked into the kitchen and start preparing the ingredients.

3rd person

The boys watched as Serena disappear into the kitchen before looking at each other.

"Hey masky. You got any idea what she's making? Toby asked curious to what his friend was cooking.

"I think some pasta or something. But she also had some other ingredients too that don't go with pasta at all. Maybe some side dishes." Masky said shrugging and sitting next to hoodie. They talked about random things and wondered what the others were doing. Serena danced around the kitchen while cooking and baking desert. She stirred the pasta before twirling over to finish the desert. She set it in the fridge to cool down before going back to her pasta.

Time skip!

Serena POV
I put the pasta on 4 plates and drizzled the sauce on top. I set the plates on the table and added a little basil on top of each for show. Picking up the wine, I pour some carefully into each glass and smiled

"Perfect!" I said happily before walking out to the living room

"Dinner's ready guys!" Right after I said that, the boys jumped up and ran into the kitchen. I giggled and walked in after them and sat down.

"This looks amazing Serena!" Toby said excitedly. They all took a bit and their eyes lit up

"This is amazing! Your such a good cook Serena!" Tim said nicely as he ate. I smile at him

"Thank you Tim!" I began eating and sipped my wine. It's weird that even though I'm a killer, I eat like a proper lady. The guys on the other hand, ate like animals. I sighed slightly but smiled gently at them.
Soon, we all finished eating and they all sat at the table drinking. I remembered the desert I made and jumped up

"I almost forgot! I made desert too!" I said happily before running over to the fridge and pulling out the cheesecake I made earlier. I knew it was Tim and Brian's favorite and I'm sure Toby likes it too. Plus, I love cheesecake myself! I cut out 4 slices for us and set them on plates. I added a strawberry on each plate and walked back to the boys with the plates. Tim and Brian's eyes widened while Toby rolls his eyes. As soon as I set the plates down in front of Tim and Brian, the cheesecake was gone. Me and Toby ate slowly, like normal people. Soon Tim and Brian got up and went to bed, leaving me and Toby. I smiled at him and stretched.

"You wanna play some video games before heading to bed?" I ask getting up and taking mine and Tim's dishes back tot he kitchen. Toby followed me carrying his and Brian's.

"Sure. This time I'm going to beat you!" I smirk at him

"In your dreams Toby." I say setting the dishes in the sink and walking into the living room, Toby trailing behind me. I look though my game collection and sigh.

"I don't have that many multiplayer about we play Town of Salem on PC? I have 2 computers." He nods and I grab his hand running to my little office. I sit at one on my computers and Toby sits at the other. I made sure neither one of us could watch the others screen. We pull up Town of Salem on steam and start playing.

Little time skip~

We ended up winning with both of us being mafia members. It was so fun being the godfather! Toby was a framer. After we finished, I yawned and looked at him

"That was fun but I'm kinda tried. Good night Toby!" I say sweetly before walking to my room tiredly. I quickly change and lay down, instantly falling asleep.

(( hey guys! I'm so sorry. I've been busy and haven't updated in so long! Well the pictures are of the apartment, more like a penthouse, that Serena has and the food is what she cooked. It looks so good! It's making me hungry actually....anyways I really hope you enjoyed this and until the next chapter!~~))

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