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[eleventh of october 2019]

APOLLO WOKE UP A SHORT WHILE AFTER 1pm, slightly confused as to what was going on as she never slept in this late, she was notorious for having her shit together and being a 'normal person' which always irritated her friends. thinking of her friends reminded her that she failed to keep them completely updated with what was happening, so rushed to her phone to see many notifications from individual chats and the group chat with all 5 of them. 
she went straight onto whatsapp and opened the chat named 'girls on film' after one of their favourite oldie but goldie songs. 

leigh -
apollo hun, we all want to make sure you're okay. we've checked your location and can see you're back safe but just update us when you can x

dinah🍯  -
its a terrifying thing you had to go through, something that no woman deserves - especially you. when you're ready for a chat let us know and we'll be straight there lovely xxx 

you know you're one of the strongest girls we know, we're all gonna be by your side helping you get this wrongun put away. 
oh and im going to make some of my special brownies so when you want one give me a shout x

dinah🍯 - 
ditto on the brownie front, but as all of us have said we love you unreal amounts. xx

leigh -
i think you can count all of us in for brownies
we're ready and waiting with all our love x
i love you apollo x

cherry pie - 
i love you lots my sexy little space minx x

savannah-o-nana -
i love you loads xx

dinah🍯 -
i love you apollo <3

her friends didn't want to pester her, fearing the absolute worst in their own personal conversations with each other. they decided to leave it a short while and hoped she'd reply before 2pm and then they'd try again; and that she did. 

apollo 11-
girls i cannot thank you enough, it's a long story and once i'm showered and fully awake i'll text you all and tell you to get your pretty little arses over here. xx
in the meantime just know i got home safe and it was a bit of a whirlwind but it can make for a great story once i'm a bit more recovered. xx
but seriously thank you so much for the love, i love you all insane amounts and you know that but truly, truly thank you all
i wouldn't want a better group of girls around me in my time of need

she hopped in the shower and cleansed herself, still feeling dirty after a night of clubbing and the unexpected cardio in stilettos. once she was home she slept in the comfy clothes harry leant to her the night previous which she was still very thankful for, she made a mental note of washing the clothes and giving them back to him as well as some sort of thank you gesture. 

she also tried to wash away the feeling of the mans stare on her body which physically repulsed her, she tried not to let it show to the kind boys who let her stay with them how she felt, in an attempt to avoid feeling like a charity case. she appreciated them acting almost normal around her, even though on the inside they were fuming that there were people that sick in the world who would make anyone ever feel the way apollo was feeling. 

after feeling slightly more refreshed she made herself a coffee and told her friends to meet at her house asap so she could explain the events of last night for what she hoped would be the last time, so she could finally stop reliving it and move past it. it felt like every time she retold the story a new, dark intruding thought entered her mind and made her more and more thankful she managed to get to safety when she did. 

first when she was walking with harry she was scared that somehow he would be more inclined to attack them as a pair, then when explaining to cal the realisation hit that if she didn't meet harry she could still be getting followed or worse; he had caught up and done god knows what. then when speaking to the police it felt much more serious, she could've been having that conversation in a doctors office and have DNA samples taken, while being poked and prodded like a test subject. 
it was when these thoughts hit she realised she wouldn't stand for it. 

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