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[twenty first of november 2019]

THE PLAN WAS ORIGINALLY THAT APOLLO WOULD sleep downstairs on the sofa and leave early-ish in the morning as she had left her phone at home. so her confusion was justified when she woke up in bed with harry. their legs tangled, his arms around her waist and hers around his neck which she was nestled into. 

as her tired eyes opened and she was coming around from her slumber she could smell his fading aftershave and felt the warmth he was radiating. she pulled back a bit too suddenly and winced while watching him stir in his sleep, but he remained in his slumber. she realised they had drunk last night due to the feeling in her mouth and the taste on her lips. also due to the fact she had little memory of how she got into the position she was in. there was no way of her getting out of bed without waking harry and she was unsure if she should or shouldn't. 

inside her brain she was frantically trying to scramble memories of the night before together. she was wearing a pair of very loose shorts and one of harry's t shirts and panic set in. she isn't one to have sex when drunk, but with recent her feelings for harry, she was unsure. she remembered them trying to watch a pirated version of little women on the tv downstairs, after she went on a rant about her love for timothee chalamet. but as the tv wouldn't connect to his laptop harry suggested going upstairs and they watched it up there. so she assumed they must've just fallen asleep at some point during that. 

it luckily put her mind at ease and during all of her fidgeting she must've woken harry, because as she flopped her head back onto the pillow his eyes gently opened and he grumbled out something that sounded like a hello. 

she laughed at his evident dislike of waking up, "morning." she smiled at him with a slightly croaky voice. he shook his head and pulled the duvet over both of them, closing the gap that had formed during apollos rustling. "you do know the sun is out, like in full force?" apollo questioned, in the darkness now caused by the duvet. 
"oh i know," his voice was significantly deeper which made apollo feel, something, "just a few more hours." he pleaded while looking slightly down at the girl beside him who had remnants of mascara darkening her eyes which she somehow pulled off. 

he noticed both of their bare legs and the same panic that had earlier struck apollo was now hitting him. "wait we didn't, do anything did we?" he was panicking, hoping he didn't screw anything up. now pulling back more and freeing apollo from the slightly suffocating hug he was giving her. 
she laughed and shook her head, "i don't think so.." she trailed off, ready to continue about how she woke him up while she was panicking about what had happened the night before. 

but that got cut off all too soon by harry, breathing out "oh thank god." and a sigh. he then watched her face ever so slightly drop but she had masked it instantly. inside his head he was panicking, realising it could've came out in a really offensive way.
apollo was kicking herself inside for letting her face falter the way that she did, but hoped that it wasn't noticeable to harry. 

he shook his head rapidly. now pulling her up so she was sat crosslegged almost in his lap. "i didn't mean it like that, i just didn't want you to think i wanted this to be a drunken night and nothing else." he rambled, his words coming out a mile a minute and his hands frantically gesturing. 

apollo took his words as an indication that he maybe felt the same way she was feeling about him. she hoped it wasn't juts her who had picked up on their long gazes, lingering hugs and the gestures towards each others lips they had been making. 

he was still going on about the night before but she had stopped listening, her eyes darting from his lips to his own eyes; and she was unsure about her next move, having not kissed him nor even spoken about their halloween antics. but she felt it was now or never. in a swift move she placed her hands on each side of his face and shut her eyes, moving in hastily to connect their lips in a sweet kiss. 

harry was reluctant, unsure what was happening for the first few moments. which disappointed apollo and she quickly disconnected their lips again. looking down embarrassed which made harry let out a faint nose laugh, before pulling her chin up and closing the gap in between them with haste. 

her lips felt like velvet on his slightly chapped ones, and her delicate hands grazing his stubble ridden cheeks ignited a warmth on his face. 

their bodies got increasingly closer and harry placed his calloused hands on apollos jaw, deepening the kiss as he craved more of her. his touch sent shivers down her spine and she let her mouth hang agape. which left harry hungry for more. his kisses grew sloppy and trailed slightly from the side of her mouth down to her neck. his short, sharp, intakes of breath in between each kiss, tickled her neck and caused apollos heart to beat rapidly. her hands tangled in his hair while her eyes squeezed shut in bliss.

her hands fell down to his chin and she wanted to regain control, she pulled harry back up and connected their lips again. less nervous than last time but and more passion and want. their bodies moved in sync with each other as they began to establish a rhythm, their tongues lightly grazing each other with each gasp for air. 

harry pulled backwards, her lip caught lightly in his teeth. as both of their eyes opened and they got caught staring at each other with a smile. her hands still played with the short strands of hair at the side of his head, while his were lazily placed on her hips. she broke the eye contact and nervously looked down at her lap, wondering if that meant as much to the boy, she was staring at with his sparkling blue eyes, as it did to her.
she let out another small nose laugh before he touched his forehead to hers, wanting to be in close proximity to her after what had just happened. 

they were both unable to form words. unsure what would be appropriate to say after what had just went on. so they decided not to. instead they let their actions do the talking, and laid back into bed. sneaking small and intimate kisses as they encased themselves in the duvet for at least a few more hours.

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