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[twenty fourth of october 2019]

A COUPLE OF WEEKS HAD PASSED IN the investigation, apollo was slowly on the mend. she had started back at work, meeting cherry before going to the tube station so she didn't have to face it alone. she had an office job working in marketing which she actually quite enjoyed. it paid her well enough and she was never woke up dreading the day ahead of her which she was thankful for.
she had gone back to her parents house for a while just for some home comfort and to explain everything. it certainly wasn't an easy conversation, her mother had some sort of sympathy based off of her past experiences but her father was just angry. angry that someone made his daughter feel that way. angry that a man could make any woman feel that way. it was difficult but had to be done, and when it was over apollo was grateful. 

there hadn't been complete radio silence from the police in those three weeks, but the updates were getting less and less, and there was no way to tell if it was a good or bad thing. so when she had the text come through saying herself and harry were required as witnesses for an 'identity parade' she was relieved. they had both contacted each other and arranged to meet there and do it together as they thought it'd make it easier on themselves. she let it slip her mind and went on with living her life for the meantime. 


i'm outside the gate
it was way quicker to get here than i thought
cant open the gate thing though obviously so if you have a code for it that'll be good

shit forgot about the gate, sorry
the code is 8235
my hair is still wet, will be down in like 5 

so she sat on her phone, scrolling instagram and watching a mix of life hacks and tiktok's before there was a knock on her car window which made her jump, she saw harry with his hair still damp and a hoodie in his hand waving at her. she unlocked the doors and allowed him to get in, the smell of his shower gel hit her as soon as the door shut and shocked her a bit. "sorry it took me so long." he apologised as soon as he sat down, pulling the pink hoodie over his head.
she shook her head, gesturing to the tiktok on her phone "oh no it's fine, i wasn't doing anything important." 
he laughed when he saw what she was doing and jokingly shook his head before speaking up, "do you know where you're going?" he wanted to make sure everything went as smoothly as possible despite being late. 
she nodded back at him and reversed the car out of his driveway, "yep everything is sorted, should be a 10 minute drive." again he nodded in response and they made small talk before arriving at the station.

they were briefed on the situation and what was about to happen. they would be taken into a separate interrogation room with a one sided window to see all six men who could've been the stalker. from there they would both have the chance to talk to each other and decide who it could've been.
apollo's breathing got slightly quicker and deeper as she tried to prepare herself for what was about to happen. not wanting to make a fuss over her as he knew she didn't like it, harry simply found her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze as they were lead into the room by the investigator. 

in front of them stood six men, all around five foot eleven. with dark hair and a light scruffy beard. they all looked very similar but one stuck out the most to apollo and it was number three. she saw his eyes and remembered the glare he sent in her direction the second she stepped on the empty tube. 
harry remembered the short face the man had on him as they glared at each other. all of the men had similar face shapes but nothing stuck out immediately until he saw the slight discolouration of number three. he was the most familiar, and he knew it had to have been three. 

"do either of you have any idea who it could be?" the investigator questioned, after giving them time to take it and recall the night that seemed so long ago now but was still fresh in their minds. without missing a beat both of them said number three with some certainty, it shocked them that they were both in agreement but they knew it must've been a good sign. the look on the investigators face was one of surprise but ease, knowing she must've got the right man. "that was one of the easiest lineups i've ever been in for, i'll take him away for questioning and get him put in holding." she informed them that they were free to go and went on her way with the case. 

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