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[eighteenth of december 2019]

AS CHRISTMAS WAS FAST APPROACHING, HARRY WAS preparing to fly back to guernsey. however he was struggling to fit all of the christmas presents he asked cal to buy him into his suitcase. he had rearranged everything what felt like a hundred times to him, and his patience was wearing thin. 

so when apollo walked into his room her could've kissed her there and then. she laughed at the sight she saw. harry on the floor, slightly sweaty, visibly irritated and swearing under his breath. 
"don't even laugh, i've been trying to do this for like an hour now." he sighed, flipping the lid back open with force before standing up to greet apollo with a hug. 

she gladly returned it and smiled into his neck, before placing a quick peck on his lips. "do you need any help then?" she offered, and crouched down to the suitcase again. trying the zips the same way harry had been, and of course she failed as well. no matter how hard she seemed to push it was simply too full. "are you sure you need everything in here?" she questioned, looking up to see harry laughing at her the same way she was to him earlier. 

he was secretly glad that she couldn't do it either, otherwise he would've been a bit embarrassed. he sat cross legged on the floor next to her, looking over his suitcase at some of his clothes that could be taken out or just simply folded better. "i guess i've got boxers and socks at home." he suggested, before unzipping that compartment and making a pile of all of them. still not really changing much. 

apollo took it upon herself to reach into the case and pull out the scrunched up childish hoodie and refold all the t shirts, "i've not seen you not wearing this hoodie in about a week now, aren't you going to wear it to the airport?" she raised a good point that the boy hadn't thought about. he just panic-packed and shoved everything he thought he needed into the case. 

his lips formed a line as he was slightly shocked by his stupidity and just nodded, knowing apollo was right. "the rest of this just needs to be folded better then we can put the smaller presents in here, just need to use your brain." she joked with a poke on his nose. he rolled his eyes and poked his tongue out before trying to close the case again. 

"if you sit on top it might give it an extra push." harry suggested, hoping that the extra bit of weight on top would successfully shut the case, he was so sick of dealing with it now that he wanted to either get it over with or give up. 
apollo nodded and perched on top of the case, wiggling a bit to try and force it closed. "careful though they could break!" harry yelped in a panic, hearing some of the items rustle around with each movement. with a lot of force and a surprised gasp, the case was finally closed. harry was left almost panting and rubbing his hands due to the amount of force he used on the zips.

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