Chapter I | Love at the first sight

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Peter entered a large room with Nick Fury's secret base. Along the way he passed another armored door. The echo of the conversation in the room and the sound of numerous machines echoed off the metal walls. All eyes turned to the boy as he stepped inside. He looked around and noticed a tall, attractive man among the gathered. He had long, perfectly arranged, dark brown hair and subtle facial hair. Focused, he was staring at the three-dimensional plans of the place where this strange water creature had recently appeared. The whole picture had a strange aura that attracted Peter. Fury called for a man who immediately appeared beside them with a warm smile. Wasn't this Mysterio accidental?

- This is Quentin Beck. It helps us fight the damn thing that has done such damage today. Up close he looked even more attractive. His blue eyes and sincere smile immediately aroused trust. The teenager found himself looking too long at what he had learned.

- Peter Parker. - The boy stammered, and a slight blush appeared on his embarrassed face.

-You can call me Quentin.- he replied and shook his hand. The boy felt his knees soften from the grip, but he returned the gesture. He completely melted in those blue eyes.

-Well, Quentin is not from here.- Fury added.

- I come from Earth 833 and you from 616.-

- Wait, that is, there is a multi-universe? - Peter announced himself and immediately began his argument about the relativity of similar worlds, which after a while was silenced by Nick.

-Beck, could you introduce Spiderman to our plan?- He cleared his dark skin to get the attention of the two, whose hands were still entwined. They jumped away as they were burned and headed for the control panel, where Quentin was to explain what actually happened today. He talked about Elementals, monsters about the strength of the four elements and how to stop them. Peter, however, could not concentrate, just surreptitiously watched the elder. He intrigued him. He concentrated on his face, but seeing the movement of the man's mouth instinctively licked his lips. When he understood what was going on in his mind, he immediately became embarrassed and turned away embarrassed, pretending that nothing happened.

- The fourth elemental is the strongest. If we don't stop him, he will destroy your Earth ... as he did with mine. He took my family from me.- He sighed, clutching at the ring on his ring finger.

- I'm sorry ... - the teenager immediately became sad. He knew what it was like to lose a loved one. The image of Tony appeared in his head, who says goodbye to his loved ones with his last strength, right after winning the battle with Thanos. He remembered his last, calm exhalation and a gentle, farewell smile. Then only despair ... Everything around quieted down, and the boy plunged into memories. After a moment he thought back to the present. He noticed Nick looking at him anxiously.

- Recently, all the time I see you lost in thought. - Frowned and stood in front of the boy. -Peter, I understand that being a hero is hard, but this is not the time for your weakness. Do you even know what our plan looks like?-

-No ... I didn't listen ...- Peter said.- As usual. Can you listen to me for a moment? Do I have to tell you everything? You act like there is nothing in the world but your problems. Get a grip.
- Come on Nick, the boy is still young. He's doing well. "Beck interjected.Before they noticed, Peter was gone.-Quentin damn, explain to him again the plan of how you will find some free time.- Fury said irritably, then focused on the map again.Meanwhile, the boy left wounded, full of shame. He felt Nick was right. He left the base, then quickly jumped onto one of the buildings, avoiding the looks of people on the street. At the same time, he could not stop talking about the handsome Quentin who stood up for him. This new acquaintance was a comfort to that terrible day. All he wanted now was to be alone with his thoughts, to escape his duties and the world.


Hi, soooo this is  my first book about them. This is based on kodalines song all i want. I really recommend you to listen it during reading ;) I know it's short but I was thinking what if Peter and Mysterio fall in love with each other. That's all for now so stay tuned ;D

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