Chapter IV || I'm sorry

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He hit his body on the ground. Finished mentally and physically, he tried to get up, but his last struggle had exhausted his strength. He no longer knew what was reality and what was just an illusion. He took a deep breath and tried to get up. In sight he saw Quentin, his face contorted with pain. He approached the boy slowly. His eyes said "Forgive me. I do not want to do it''. Contrary to his emotions, his legs moved quickly towards Peter, who, confused, tried to move backwards. Suddenly black cars appeared behind Beck's back. Nick stepped out of one of them and shot the man in the back. The body collapsed to the ground with a soft rustle. He watched his hands stop moving and his beautiful blue eyes fog. He was shocked. He didn't know that Quentin meant so much to him until now. The pain of treason was nothing compared to knowing that he had lost it. He didn't want to fight much anymore. The whole world has become blurred. He found him crying and kneeling over his body. He did not notice Nick approaching quickly, who grabbed him firmly by the shoulder and put him on his feet. Peter shouted in protest, but the words in his throat stood in his throat.

- You did a very irresponsible boy today. How could you think you could stand up alone against such a powerful threat as Quentin! Your struggles were loud anyway, so we cannot allow global panic. Does anyone else know the real goals of Mysterio? Speak! Do you think this is stupid fun? Tell me if you have betrayed someone, now!- He shouted at him and his face was furious.

- I ... I ... Yes, but ...- the boy said stuttering. He couldn't think, and the whole situation was too much for him. Illusions causing him remorse. Beck's death and betrayal.
Nick's devastating words that soaked his soul like poison. Stunned, he tried to answer the questions.

-Who did you tell? Are you listening to me? Who else did you tell?! - Fury shouted, and Peter tried to look away from Mysterio's glassy eyes. He began to babble weakly, a lump in his throat growing, distorting his speech.

-I only told trusted friends, Ned and MJ. But they are worthy of trust, they will not betray anyone! Really! But ... - his voice broke off, when a huge smile appeared on Nick's face. He wanted to shout when his character began to shine and disappear. He quickly backed up, trying to cover himself with his hands. He couldn't believe what he saw. Nick was just an illusion, and Quentin was alive. He lived! He opened his mouth in surprise. He felt a sudden feeling of relief as well as anger and fear. He cheated him once again.

- Thank you, Parker. I know that now you hate me but I had no other choice. If your friends would reveal my little secrets ... All my plan, that's all, it would be in vain. You could be on my side ... We could together ...

-No! Stop bothering me, from the very beginning I hear only lies from you! "He shouted, moving away from the man.

- Spidey, I ...- Beck stopped abruptly and lunged at him. Terrified, Parker tried to cover himself with his hands. He waited in this state for an impact. But he sighed in surprise as Quentin's arms embrace him gently and pull him forward. He didn't know what happened until he saw the train passing by behind him. He understood everything. He looked up and noticed that Beck was only a few centimeters apart from Beck's mouth. Before he could react, he felt a slight twinge in his shoulder. He hissed in an attempt to escape, but he became too weak. After a while, the world began to darken before his eyes, and before he lost consciousness.
- Excuse me. I love you, but it will get better this way. I don't want to fight against you.- he only heard Quentin's whisper.

Peter had flashes of consciousness. He saw the chair he was sitting on. Then the corridor with a row of seats, and the pictures were accompanied by a calming, steady sound of wheels. He was on some train. He wasn't interested in where he was going, every now and then sliding into the darkness, too exhausted to get up.

He heard whispers. The sound increased with every second. Soon, several men turned into conversation. He opened his eyes and saw that he was in some custody with several other people. He sat on the edge of the bunk. He felt dizzy. Memories began to come back. Beck. Fight. Train. His arms. He shook himself, and after a moment a wave of shame flooded him. Quentin took information from him about his friends. They are in great danger now. He had to hurry up so that he would not hurt them or destroy the capital of Great Britain. He had to sadly push his feelings for Beck away. He smiled. Sometimes love was treacherous and he knew what he had to do. He rose to his feet and looked out the window. Finally the time has come to visit London.


Quentin what are you doing? :(

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