Chapter III | What he should have done last time

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A warm European evening. Peter absorbed the beauty of the historic streets ... or rather the roofs, because he neatly jumped over the next tenements, which particularly reminded him of those events at the top of the building. He felt excitement at every thought of the man, and a flush appeared on his cheeks. He returned with memories to fight the fire elemental.
Mysterio skilfully dodged blows and tried to deal as much damage to the fire elemental as possible, but he grew stronger with every second.

- Beck you have him!- The boy shouted cheering for his companion. Unfortunately he could not help him because he was grounded by the mill wheel, where Bethy and Jacob were. He could only watch as Quentin began to lose strength.

- Oh no ...- he whispered. Beck, seeing that he has no more chance of winning the fight. The opponent has consumed enough matter to become unstoppable. The man turned to Peter.
-Whatever happens, I'm glad we met ...- he answered stoically, but there was sadness in his eyes. He gave him a slight smile and returned his gaze to the opponent.

- Beck, what are you doing?- the scared boy asked, not knowing how to understand the elder's statement.

- What should have done last time.- he replied, straining through his teeth. He only managed to hear the teenager screaming to dissuade him from this idea but in vain. Determined, he gathered in himself as much energy as he could, and without hesitating, went straight to the elemental. He disappeared in a mass of fire and ash. Everything seemed to be lost, but green smoke started coming out of the monster's body. In an instant an enemy exploded and dissolved into the air. The dust fell to the ground and there was disturbing silence. Peter noticed Mysterio's body near the blast site.

- Beck!- The boy could finally immobilize the mill wheel and jumped down from the building at a dizzying pace and found himself beside the man. -Hey Beck! You did it, you beat him!- he said, slightly shaking his shoulder. Starting to worry, he grabbed him with both hands and shook him harder. Fortunately, Quentin slowly opened his eyes and looked at Peter, which calmed the brunet.

-I'm done. We're going for a beer.- the man replied, trying to grin. The boy responded to this text with a sincere laugh and helped him get up .....
Distracted, he almost collided with a large billboard. He hooked his foot on the metal edge, loosing his balance, then fired the net and hung his head down so as not to fall into the center of a square. He came to his senses and stopped thinking of the handsome companion for a moment, though his body was still quivering with emotion and his heart pounding on his ribs again and again. He impressed him with his personality and character. He worried about the good of others and could understand the boy's complicated mind. Despite these few days spent together, a unique thread of understanding developed between them immediately. However, didn't it happen too quickly?
If it wasn't for Mysterio, the monster would have destroyed the world and his friends would have been dead long ago. He himself was weak and powerless, his efforts were in vain for the second time. All of Stark's teachings were of no avail. He was just a teenager. He didn't want that responsibility. He did not want to chair the Avengers. Nick was wrong about him, as was Iron Man.
He wasn't experienced enough to undertake this mission. Quentin, a newcomer from another reality. His power was great. He defeated the monster himself, the boy's network attacks did not even scratch the elemental. Peter touched the small bundle in his pocket. He already knew what to do. To whom hand the safety of all people in the world to the hands He approached the hideout, where he hid his civilian clothes from the fight. He had to hurry not to be late. He was coming down the stairs a few steps at a time, but fortunately the building was not tall. The bar was nearby. He quickened his pace and turned into the right street.

They met with Quentin at the door. They sat next to each other, lightly touching their shoulders. Peter couldn't stop thinking about his closeness. They both looked at each other, looking away as their eyes met. The man ordered a beer, which the bartender placed before them. After a moment, Quentin relaxed and leaned back in his chair.

- I think we're a great duo. Each of our joint actions is successful,.- he said, not looking into his eyes.

- Yes, you are great at saving the city, and I am passive. The boy answered ironically. A short scene of sacrifice by Mysterio appeared again before his eyes, but the hand on his cheek immediately brought him back to reality. He looked confused at the man who, with focus painted on his face, gently rubbed his cheek.

- You had eyelash on your cheek.- he replied, smiling slightly, and his cheeks covered in a slight blush incompared to the red face of a teenager.

- Oh, do not exaggerate. You took part in defeating Thanos.- he added after a moment.

- Older heroes did it for me. Mr.Stark has always believed in me.-
Quentin turned his head for a moment, then Peter noticed a flash of sadness in his eyes. The boy just wanted one thing at the moment. See the smile on his face. He knew what he had to do. What did he want to do? He pulled the bundle out of his pocket and opened the case. Tony Stark's glasses were in it. It's those glasses. Glasses that give power over a huge advanced system, giving you control over countless drones, the ability to control nearby electronic equipment, face recognition and many other amazing features. He put them on the hands of a man whose eyes glowed mysteriously, but the sadness hidden in them still did not disappear.

- Peter, you don't think I ...- he whispered, holding the object gently in his hand.

- Yes, they should belong to you. You are more experienced, you know what to do. Others listen to you, you are an authority, you have defeated all elementals! Mr. Stark attached a note to them, with the words, "For the Successor." It was nowhere written that it should be him. Maybe I should just find him. And I think I already have the right person. "He smiled, then reached for the item. Their hands touched for a moment. A shiver went through his body and his heart fluttered. He wanted to hold his hand for a moment longer, he didn't want that feeling to go away. He came to his senses and put on his glasses. The device's soft voice sounded.
Peter sighed. He was sure that what he was doing was right.

- Edith, get access for Quentin Beck.- he said, then handed the glasses back to the man. He touched them gently and grinned. Peter saw some hidden regret in his attitude. As if the glasses were causing Mysterio pain. He wanted to ask his companion about the cause of the unpleasantness, but before he could react, the expression disappeared from his face as soon as it appeared. Ignoring the guests at the bar, he gently took his face in his hands and slightly brought his face closer.

- I won't let you down, Peter, I won't let you down. a mysterious flash appeared in his eyes. He glanced down his lips, then controlled himself and pulled away. He looked around the bar, shuffling the eyes of customers who were fortunately not paying attention to them. Peter looked at his watch. It was late. Very late.

- Quentin, I have to go now. The walk around the rooms will start soon. the boy said regretfully, looking at Mysterio again with Tony's glasses.

- Just don't let them catch you. - Beck joked. Peter grinned and took the street reluctantly. He couldn't resist looking back while closing the door. Quentin sat bent over his glasses, and it was obvious that conflicting emotions were tugging at him.


Quentin is a mysterious man 🤔

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