Chapter 3

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"Hey, what do you guys know about Doctor Mills' husband?" Emma asked as she sat down beside Ruby and Rose in the staffroom on Monday morning.

"He's stinking rich," Ruby replied.

"And handsome," Rose added.

"Really?" Emma and Ruby frowned in unison.

"You've met him?" Rose said.

Emma nodded. "I spotted her outside that massive house they live in on the way home from school on Friday. And then he came out and basically ordered her back into the house to cook him dinner. It seemed a little, I dunno, off."

"Off?" Ruby asked.

"I can't describe it," Emma sighed, "but something wasn't right."

"She's got a PhD from Cambridge," Rose reminded her. "I think she's got her head screwed on straight enough to not be with someone who doesn't treat her well."

"Perhaps," Emma nodded. "I just thought -,"

She stopped abruptly as Regina herself entered the staffroom and their eyes locked. Emma gave a little wave and received a small smile in return before the brunette headed towards the coffee machine.

"See, she's fine," Ruby said. "What I want to hear about is how Rose's date with Killian went on Saturday night. So, spill the beans."

Rose blushed slightly as she leaned in to tell her friends about her new romance.

Considering so many people warn against getting involved with coworkers, Emma had been surprised to learn just how many of the teachers at Storybrooke Secondary School were in relationships. It wasn't just David and Mary Margaret Nolan but also P.E. teacher Jim Midas and his maths teacher wife Kathryn. Science teacher Ashley Boyd was dating the school's mechanical workshop instructor, Sean Herman. Head of art, Phillip Morris, was married to a French teacher named Aurora. And the librarian, Belle, was married to the headteacher, something which had apparently caused quite a scandal considering their significant age gap.

As a young teacher, Emma had received her fair share of attention from male colleagues and older students, despite her married status. Now however, she had been alone for nearly a year and was beginning to feel ready to get back out there again. Well, almost. She had already rebuffed a blundering request for a date from Sebastian Jefferson, an English teacher with wide, staring eyes, the previous week. As she was listening to Rose recounting the events of Saturday night, Emma saw Sebastian walk into the staffroom. Smiling at her, he headed their way.

"I'm gonna get a coffee," Emma muttered, springing to her feet and walking quickly in the other direction. Disheartened, Jefferson decided to take a seat beside David Nolan instead as they waited for Gold to arrive for their morning briefing.

"Hi," Emma said as she reached Regina who was adding some milk to her coffee.

"Good morning, Ms Swan," Regina smiled, her confidence and composure from the previous week back in place. "How was your weekend?"

"Great thanks. I finally finished my unpacking," Emma said, reaching for her own mug. "What about you? Did you and Robin do anything fun?"

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