Chapter 35

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Braxton Hicks?" Emma frowned. "Isn't that what Rachel gets in that Friends episode?"

Their doctor raised his eyebrows slightly at the blonde before turning back to his patient and ignoring the interruption.

"It's perfectly normal but it does seem you're experiencing them earlier and more intensely than we would expect. Am I correct in saying this is your first pregnancy?"

"Yes," Regina nodded.

"Well, they're nothing to worry about in terms of the baby's progress. They're considered a sort of warm-up act by your uterus in anticipation for the birth itself. Despite your body's enthusiasm, hopefully you won't suffer too regularly during the remainder of your pregnancy. Most women experience discomfort rather than pain. If you have them badly again, a warm bath, drinking herbal tea or warm milk, or moving around should alleviate the symptoms. Braxton Hicks can be caused by dehydration too so make sure you keep drinking lots of water."

"Thank you, Doctor," Regina said, sagging back into the hospital bed, a wave of relief coming over her body. "When can I go home?"

"We're just waiting on a couple more results and then you'll be discharged. It shouldn't be more than half an hour or so."

The doctor disappeared, leaving the couple alone for the first time in hours.

"Are you ok?" Emma asked, climbing up onto Regina's bed without even asking and pulling the woman into a tight hug.

"I'm fine now," Regina nodded. "The fake contractions or whatever they are called have stopped completely. I just feel a little tired."

"You scared me," Emma said. "And Henry."

"How is he?" Regina asked, remembering the whitened face she had seen before her in exam hall.

"He's ok," Emma nodded. She had phoned her son as soon as they had got to the hospital. The ultrasound in the ambulance had confirmed there was nothing wrong with the baby and the paramedic's preliminary assessment that Regina had been experiencing Braxton Hicks had turned out to be correct.

"How did his exam go?"

"Not great after you left apparently. David struggled to get the focus back to the paper but Henry said he was nearly done anyway. They had about fifteen minutes left and he was just reading back over his answers and trying to work out one question he didn't understand."

"I feel bad," Regina said. "All those kids trying their best and then I come along and start screaming in pain."

"You were literally in pain though," Emma pointed out. "It's hardly your fault."

"Did you get Braxton Hicks with Henry?"

"Not noticeably," Emma replied. "Most women don't feel them although I know from watching Friends that saying those words to someone suffering from them doesn't end well."

"I don't think I've seen the episode you're talking about," Regina chuckled. "Can we watch it tonight?"

"We can do anything you want, my love," Emma said, kissing Regina's lips lightly. "We can even get some food from that Thai place."

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