Chapter 30

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When Emma stirred the following morning, she slowly opened her eyes and squinted at the bright light pouring in from the large windows. The couple had fallen asleep without drawing the curtains the night before and now sunlight filled every inch of the room. Turning her head, Emma smiled at the sight that met her. Regina was fast asleep, her hair splayed out against the white pillow and her face relaxed and serene. Her arm was extended towards Emma's body, as if they had been snuggled up but drifted apart during the warmth of the night. Rolling onto her side, Emma shuffled across the mattress and slid herself underneath Regina's arm once more.

"Mmmm," her girlfriend mumbled as a lithe body pressed against her.

"Morning," Emma whispered as she laid a soft kiss to Regina's cheek.

"Already?" Regina asked, her forehead creased in confusion.

"It's our first day here. I want to make the most of it," Emma said, brushing some stray hairs out of Regina's eyes as chocolate brown orbs blinked open.

"But we could make the most of it by sleeping," Regina suggested, her body sliding closer to Emma's as she spoke, their naked forms pressed tightly together.

"We could," Emma grinned. "But I really want to go to the beach today and I've already heard Henry thumping down the hallway for breakfast."

There was an unintelligible mumble into Emma's hair and the blonde laughed. Regina had never been much of a morning person.

With a final kiss to the top of Regina's head, Emma wriggled free of her girlfriend's arms and jumped out of bed. Regina cracked an eye open and watched as Emma's naked butt sashayed into the ensuite. Suddenly, an idea hit her and she scrambled to follow the younger woman's retreating form.


The couple emerged into the kitchen almost an hour later, cheeks still a little flushed from the intense shower sex. Henry and Zelena were already halfway through their breakfasts, sitting on the veranda at the rear of the villa, looking out at the olive grove which grew on the slopes of the mountain beyond.

"Morning," Regina said as she took a seat and reached for the tea pot. She would have preferred coffee, of course, but she had been determined to follow every doctor's recommendation when it came to the baby's health during her pregnancy.

"Sleep well?" Zelena asked with a knowing smile between the two women.

"Wonderfully," Emma answered as she ruffled Henry's hair and took the seat next to him. It was soaking wet. "Ew!" she exclaimed as she jumped up, the seat of her jeans shorts already saturated.

"Sorry," Henry said, reaching over and picking up a drenched towel which had been masquerading as a cushion.

"How did that even happen?" Emma grumbled, taking a different seat and shifting uncomfortably against the damp denim.

"I went for a swim but then I sort of dropped my towel in the water when I got out," Henry shrugged. "The pool is amazing, Mum. There's a mosaic of a turtle on the bottom and it's really, really deep at the far end. I dived in and didn't even touch the bottom."

"Cool," Emma grinned. "You'll have to show me that dive you've been working on. Mr Nolan said the swimming lessons had been going well."

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