Chapter 39

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Henry!" Emma called for the third time. "If we don't leave right this second I really am going to be late."

There was a sound of banging and clattering from the upstairs bathroom before finally the heavy footsteps of the teenager on the landing. Emma popped her head around the living room door, blew Regina a kiss where she was lying on the sofa, and headed out of the house, Henry right behind her.

"Sorry," he said as he swung himself into the car.

"First days back are always tough," Emma shrugged. "I nearly punched my phone when the alarm went off this morning but we'll get used to it."

"I can't believe the summer holidays are over already," Henry said, stifling a yawn before taking the plate with some pieces of toast on it which Emma handed him. "Thanks."

"Six weeks does indeed fly by," Emma replied as she pulled out of the driveway and onto the country lane. "Just think, in six more it'll be half term and we'll have a beautiful new baby in the house."

"And the concept of a good night's sleep or a lie-in in the mornings will be a thing of the past," Henry supplied.

"I've bought you some ear plugs," Emma said. "And don't forget to leave your phone on loud from now on. The baby could come any day and we need to be contactable."

"Why would Regina call me instead of you?" Henry asked.

"In case I can't answer my phone for some reason."

"As if," Henry scoffed. "That this is practically glued to your hand any time you're away from her."

Emma slanted her eyes at her son but didn't argue. How could she? It was true, after all.

By the time they pulled into the car park at the school, Zelena was waiting for them, leaning against her new car.

"You guys are cutting it fine," she drawled. "I don't think being late on my first day is the best impression."

"You're not late," Emma said, as she reached into the boot of her car and picked up her files and handbag. "Anyway, you're with me so everyone will love you."

"Isn't it more that I'm Regina's cousin?" Zelena countered. "Surely she's more popular than you are here."

"Cheeky," Emma said. "Oi!" she called, suddenly realising Henry was almost out of sight.

"What?" he shouted back.

"See you later? Have a good day?"

"Oh yeah. Bye Mum, bye Zelena."

"Teenagers," Emma muttered. "You'll get used to it quickly again, I'm sure."

"It's been almost a decade since I stepped foot in a classroom," Zelena admitted as the two of them started to walk towards the building where the staff room was located. "But to be honest I'm quite excited. Gardening was beginning to bore me, although I am sad I'll be missing the olive season. Harvesting them was one of my favourite tasks."

As soon as the pair entered the staffroom, Rose and Ruby waved them over.

"Come meet the gang," Emma said, leading the way through the mess of chairs and legs, waving and greeting fellow teachers until they reached the two friends.

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