Chapter Five

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Atlanta, Georgia

May 28th, 2016

Stanley’s POV

I was in the bath when I heard the phone go off, I reached over the tub and grabbed my phone the caller id said Derry, Maine when i read that  “Stanley Uris speaking” I heard a familiar voice my stomach suddenly felt uneasy. The deep voice replied “Stan its me mike” my stomach twisted even more “Mike who?” I asked despite me having a good clue on who it is “Mike Hanlon. From Maine” I froze but managed to stay only three words “oh- how have-” before i got cut off “Stan IT has come back” I almost dropped my phone, my hand was shaking so bad  “are you sure?” I asked one more time “yes stanley” Mike replied “be here by tomorrow” he said one last time before hanging up. The words “IT had returned” rang in my head as I got out of the bath. I quickly got dressed and grabbed my old suitcase from the closet, I opened it and found an old folded up picture. As I unfolded it a smile spread to my face, I remember this day very lightly. It was right before Richie left, it was actually my 15th birthday. The gang and I rode down to the quarry, we packed a whole ice chest full of drink. Of course richie just had to dump a whole can of cola on my head. He made Bill take the picture before i attempted to kill him, I wasn’t actually going to kill him, maybe. I pocketed the picture as I remembered what I was doing, I soon threw a few pairs of jeans and shirts in the suitcase and then zipped it up. After I left my house, I didn’t know if it was for the last time. I made it to the train station thankful in one piece. I then bored the train and got to my seat quickly.

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