My Name Isn't Ehana

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Trigger Warning: dead-naming.

Bakugou's P.O.V

   I thought he would call me. I figured he would so I had kept my ringer off but kept my phone in my apron pocket just in case. Maybe he would be fine. The day went by without a single notification. Not even a text from a new number. The day was otherwise great. There were these really nice students who tipped me twenty dollars each. It was nice because the place let you keep all your tips in pocket and it would go right to Kirishima's Top Fund. I was glad I was doing this for him.

   Eleven rolled around quicker then I thought and with my 10 dollars an hour plus tips, I made quite a bit today. I was the only one on duty however so they must have just been happy I was fast. Coming home with 575 dollars in my pocket, I opened the door to Kirishima on the couch, my green blanket around him. Smiling a little, I set my keys down and walk to the couch but something seemed off. His usual spiked hair was wet and down and his eyes and cheeks were red. The worst is that his binder was back on after he had kept it on for a while. He needed a break. Did he not understand the damage it was adding to his ribs? 

   "What did I tell you? You could have called me. Take your binder off." I said, flopping on the couch beside him with a frown. Did he not trust me enough to call when he was hurting? I could help him. I was a friend who had been in this situation too. "What do you mean?" He asked. I couldn't tell if he was playing dumb or was really tired but I didn't care. "Binder. Off. Now." I said, more stern waiting for him to take off the death trap. Moving quickly, he rips it off and chunks it on the ground, snuggling into the blanket and hiding his face. Sighing, I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth but when I go to the toilet, I see puke. What happened? Was he okay? Could it have been the binder or was it something else? Did he do this on purpose? Looking closer, I saw stomach acid and decided it was on purpose. Flushing the toilet, I ran back to the living room to see him with a frown rested on his pink cheeks. 

   "Do you feel okay?" I said, pressing the back of my hand to his forehead. He felt fine. "You aren't warm. Did you puke earlier?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "Yeah." He simply replied. "Why." I stated, wondering if he wanted to speak, but didn't want to force him. "I don't know." He replied, leaning back into the couch. Going back to my room, I changed my clothes and took the money from my pants pocket and put it in a section of my dresser. It was an old empty tissue box that had his name in red letters with a rough black outline that he had designed for Graphic Design earlier. I made the box when he slept on the couch deciding I would have the money by Christmas so I could schedule it and make sure it was what he wanted. Though I'm sure he would want the surgery considering how this day has gone. 

   Walking back, I hold out my arms on the couch and he curled up like a cat and placed his head on my chest. I hadn't bothered to take off my binder since I planned to fall asleep in my room. He looked comfortable and I placed my hand in his hair, pushing my fingers through it. It was surprisingly soft but felt nice, it was still slightly damp and he hadn't brushed through it yet. Standing up, his legs wrap around my like a monkey and I wasn't sure if he was even really sleeping. Playing along with his fake sleep, I carried him to his bed, and pushed a blanket over him. Before I closed the door, I heard his sheets moving before hearing a grunt of anger. He had the covers pushed up to his nose then back down, almost like, he was searching for food. Remembering my blanket, I bring it to his room and drape it over his arms, and he huddles it closer, sniffing it before giving a content smile and snoring softly. I wonder why he liked it so much? Ignoring it, I go to my own room and sleep, waiting for class the next morning. 

   I woke up on time, along with Kirishima who had messy bed head from the shower last night. Styling it up, he threw on his binder, a red shirt, and some dark pants. I pulled on a binder, a pair of blacked ripped jeans and a white shirt with a [0] design in the corner. It was simple and I liked it. Throwing on a pair of black converse, he slipped on some crocs and grabbed his bag along with mine and flung them on his back. Opening the door, I lead him out and we walk to the Lecture Hall. Looking at me with a small bit of fear, I open the door. "You look great. It will be okay." I said, reassuring him. He took a deep breath and smiled, walking in. He sat in his regular seat from yesterday while I sat on the front on the opposite side. It was a pretty quiet Wednesday with nothing better to do than to listen to the professor. Just as the class was about halfway over, Kirishima was called to the main office at eleven. Going slowly to the Main Office, he disappeared for the rest of the day. The class ended at one and there was still no sign of him coming back. 

   The class all filed out of the room with bags on their backs going to more lectures or being off for the day. Walking to the desk, the professor is grading papers from a test for a class before us. "Um, sir. Do you know where Kirishima is?" I asked, wondering if he was supposed to come back. "Oh, you mean Ehana. She is in the office though she should have been back by now. You can go there if you want." Enraged by what he said, I could only imagine why he was in there an show he knew this information. Without a word, I sprinted out of the room, worried to what I would find in the office. Opening the door, I'm met with the secretary at the front desk. Ignoring them, I burst into the big office door to the room he was in. 

   The front desk lady was screaming, he was calm in a chair, looking at his lap with a paper in his hands. She stopped screaming and stared at me before smiling sweetly. "Mr. Katsuki go back to your dorm. This doesn't involve you." She said, a cold tone in her voice. "It does when it involves my friend." Pulling up a chair, I sit by Kirishima and stare daggers at the school principal. "Well are you aware that your friend in transgender." She stated, looking like she had me beat. Without a second thought I just replied "so." With nothing else. "Do you not realize that it's against school rules. Your friend is a girl." Looking at Kirishima, his face was down this whole time, his hands rested on a piece of paper, wet with small tears. Grabbing it, I realize it was his school schedule, nothing changed except his name which now read Ehana along with his sex changed back from male to female. It also stated his teachers would use the name Ehana and would refer to him as a she/her. The dorm however, stayed the same. 

   "As you can see there, she will not be changing dorms. Sadly, we have no more open in the girls dorm. But since you seem so content with her being trans, I guess it's fine that she stays. Ehana and Katsuki you can both leave." She says, turning to her computer to work on something without looking at us again. He wordlessly stands from his chair. Opening the door, I see all the confidence drained from his face. He looked pale and sad, like he would burst at any moment. I was fuming with rage and it took everything in me not to explode at her. But I kept my composure knowing it wouldn't be good for Kirishima. Before he walked out, he turned around, looking at the principal with deathly eyes. They made eye contact and she smiled at him. Without a word, she waved him out of the room. Before he left, he stated one thing before running down the lobby. 

   "My name isn't Ehana and it never will be." 

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