Dorm Secrets

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   Bakugou's P.O.V

   When I got a scholarship into an Ivy League college, I really should have done more research on it before accepting it right away because this college was extremely homophobic and transphobic. And that was a problem because I was trans and gay. My parents had accepted me when I came out at 15 and had helped pay for everything except top surgery because I wanted to do that myself. Honestly after the surgeries, testosterone, and a new haircut, I had been able to pass as a man which made me as happy as ever. The only thing that kept me back was binders because they were a little annoying, uncomfortable, and not safe to wear them longer than eight hours but sometimes I wore them for up to 14 hours a day and would even sleep with it on which then caused damage to my ribs. After that, I had been told to wear if for only eight hours every day. I had decided to wear it to class and then take it off when I get back to my dorms. 

   And that is where I faced my first problem. After I found out how transphobic the school was, I found out that the students were as well, I figured that was all my problems had. But then I realized that I had to share a dorm with some other dude. Which now means that when I am in my dorm, I have to explain why I had a sizable bulge in my shirt. You could get single dorm rooms but they cost about 1,000 dollars a month and when your trying to save up for top surgery which costs about 9,000 dollars, I decided against it.

   Hiding the fact that I was born female is easy at school but after I'm supposed to take my binder off, I won't be able to hide it from my dorm mate. All of these thoughts kept me up at night and made me have a late start to the next day's orientation. When I made it to the college campus, I had decided to spend the free week before college classes started in my dorm setting up my room. The dorm was set up with a hallway that you say when you walked in; if you walk to the end of the hallway, there's a door that leads to the first bedroom. Looking to the left, you had a small kitchen and to your right was two doors; one to another room and one to a shared bathroom. Walking to the door, my other dorm mate didn't seem to be here yet so I chose my room first. That might seem selfish, but considering my situation and not wanting my room to be the first thing you see when you walk in.

   Placing my boxes in the empty room, the only thing there was the bare bed and a dresser.  Opening the boxes, I start placing my bedding first making my bed. It was pretty simple grey bedding with little pops of orange and army green with throw pillows and blankets. Putting away my clothes in the dresser, I get out a few band posters and a few other ones from different shows I had liked over the years. Digging to the bottom of the box, I had found my rainbow flag I thought I had left home. I guess my parents had packed it in. Putting it in my bottom drawer, I was afraid someone would walk into my dorm and see it hanging above my bed.

   Finishing my room, I walk to the kitchen to cook some ramen and have a party in my room. And by party I mean comfortably watching Netflix. I had already changed my clothes and gotten out of my binder so I was extremely comfortable already. I only had a week before college was going to beat my ass with work so I had all the rights to enjoy this week. Placing the bowl of ramen and water in the microwave, I wait for the time to end so I could start my Nextflix marathon. Taking out the noodles, I mix in the given powder along with other spices and take the bowl to my room and start eating and watching Stranger Things. I was about five episodes into season two and I kept hearing the dorm door open and close with things moving around. I knew the new dorm mate would come in today so I was giving him time before I had met him. Pausing the show and taking off my headphones, I put my binder back on quickly and opened the door to put my bowl back in the sink and meet the new person I would be with for then next semester. 

   And he was hotter than I expected. I went to the sink to wash my bowl and when I looked up at him, I noticed him finishing up unpacking boxes. "Hey bro!" He said, walking down the hallway to his door with a few more boxes. Putting the bowl and fork back in the cupboards I walk to his room, which had an open door and was quietly playing Black Parade by My Chemical Romance from his phone on the bed side table. He was putting a few shirts in the his dresser. "Oh, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Kirishima." He said. "Bakugou." I said, simply, looking around his room. It was what you would expect from any college student; posters, pictures of family, the usual décor. "I'll be in my room." I said, walking back down the hallway and into my room, removing the binder and chucking it in the laundry basket on my door. Crashing back into bed, I put my headphones back on, pressing play and falling asleep.


   After the week of orientation and the first few days of college, Kirishima and I had gotten a few things down. I didn't want out dorm to look like a disaster so we had chores to do every day so we would keep things clean that also followed our classes. We hadn't talked much but I didn't really want to talk to anybody at this point. I didn't want to get close to other people or make friends only to discover how homophobic they would most likely be towards me. Most of my college classes were lectures so I had just taken notes before heading to my dorm. I had worked on my assignment for my Art and Design course. After finishing it, I drop box it to my teacher and start my own chores. It was the usual things like dishes and laundry. I didn't want him doing the laundry ever in fear that he would find one of my binders so I always did it myself. 

   Grabbing my laundry bag and going to his room, I take his to the room. Most people don't do their laundry here and do it on the weekends when they visit family. The college had evening and weekend courses but some people took the weekends off. Unloading the clothes, I could fit them all into one washer this time around. Usually, I put our clothes in separate washers and dryers so it's easier to bring back but since it would all fit in one, and would cost me less money, I put the clothes in, put in the quarters and let the clothes go. After they had both been finished I put the clothes in the dryer and let them do their thing in there before taking them all out. Putting the load of clothes in one of those metal baskets they had in the room, I start sorting our clothes into the baskets, simply tossing shirts, pants and shorts into said hampers. When I got to the bottom, I started sorting different socks and things until I got to the bottom and noticed something unfamiliar.

                              That's not my binder.

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