Dragon's Can Provide Comfort as Well. ||FTO||

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Nobody requests this one-shot, I just thought of the idea and wrote it! :3


He stumbled along the pathway, being sure to stick along the sides of the less crowded routes to avoid. Mind racing as he recalled events from his past.His village... That's where his thoughts first came to a halt, providing familiar anger rush through his veins.

He got revenge for his entire village, the evil counterpart of one of the Divinus Magica guild leaders wasn't walking the land anymore. He didn't know where the other one was, but he wished to set justice to him as well for lying to him, lying about being the ones who destroyed his village.

Mitch let out a yell of frustration. He didn't know why his thoughts were so jumbled up. Justice was brought, but it didn't feel right. Shouldn't he be celebrating? Instead of feeling confused about the conclusions of his life.

He attempted to get his mind off it by studying the city. It was still scarred from the battle. Many buildings broken. In the distance, he could see the Grand Magic Games arena. The pillars shattered, a vibe of fear radiating off each shattered slab. 

His mind wandered back to his guild— Old guild. He wasn't apart of Grimshade anymore.But how were they holding up? It's only been three days since the Grand Magic Games event gone wrong. And he had no clue if the guild was still standing, or they we're doing fine without him.Mitch halted and growled at himself for thinking soft. He was fine alone, And he didn't need anyone to help him.

Right then, he knew he was lying to himself. He wanted to talk to somebody, anybody. Or be able just to be able to be present without judgment.

A group came to mind. And Mitch hurried there, feeling a sense of unease creeping upon Mitch as he pondered whether they'll judge him, he'd just have to find out. 




As he entered the cave, he could hear the close noise of the water splashing upon the gravel of the floor. And the soft cold breeze that made its way through the entrance and cracks in the rocks. The lights were illuminating what was in front of him, giving off a calming radiance of golden lights.

Despite the calming design, there was sorrow filling the air, coming off from the classified "extinct" creatures who lived inside this unknown refuge.

As he peeked to the dragons, they all had their heads low. They were still mourning the assassination of Phantom.Phantom, that name made Mitch happy. Yet more so filled with sadness, someone he opened up to so quickly vanished in a blink of an eye. Phantom helped him out with talking to the dragons, and he helped him get stronger in a short time. Most importantly, he also made him feel at home.

But he wasn't here. Phantom couldn't comfort him about his circumstances. So what was Mitch to do? 

Talk to the other dragons.

 Phantom told him he could talk to his poison dragon friend. The one who also guided him among the training. All of the dragons did, each of them giving their feedback and jokes. Phantom laughing while he clarified what they said — following with Mitch laughing as well, causing the cave to lighten up with joy.

The poison dragon paused, sniffing the air. And glanced around, prompting Mitch to tense, he wasn't ready to face them. They may not welcome him, from what he's chosen to become.

The other dragons noticed his scent and glanced at where he was hidden. Right where he first appeared from when deciding to spy on his guild master, and the not-so-mysterious-Dream.

The dragon's body language was inviting him to come out, and what proved so was that most of their eyes overflowed with hope at a familiar face.

Mitch took a deep breath and let it out. His breathing was cracking up a bit to signify the emotions welling inside of him. Unease settled between all of them as he came out into sight. 

He looked all too different, and it sent chills down all of the dragons. Mitch knew that the smaller ones we're either confused or scared. The scared ones retreating to the older ones for safety worried he would break the vow he had promised.Though there was one that understood, the one which he also felt most attached to other than Phantom, the poison dragon approached him, a reptile-like smile on its face. And quickly pushed itself into his chest, resting its forehead gently. It had grown a bit, that's for certain.

Mitch was taken aback by the performance. Watching between the Poison dragons horns as the other dragons tensed, paranoid he will attack the teacher as he had this to his advantage.

Something he would never do to someone who held a place in his cold and bitter heart.

He took this moment to hug the dragon back, letting the embrace warm up his nerves, soothing him as he heard the dragon breath corresponding to him.

 The dragon did its best to hug him back — wings wrapping around him in the act of a hug. 

All of the dragons came, joining into the group hug.

This stayed for hours. The silence was something Mitch wanted. Not the raw and hurtful silence he's had for weeks, not the feeling of loneliness he given himself for going against his friends each night.

But a silence that felt like home. It gave him a sense of hope as he felt tears drip down his cheeks. He wasn't sobbing, though. These we're grateful tears, Mitch was relieved they accepted him after his betrayal. It gave him more faith that Grimshade may do the same in the future if he does ever return to his other home.

During this, he could hear the familiar whispers of someone. Someone who gave him a specific nickname he wished to be addressed as by the dragon family permanently, to keep the memory alive of this friend. Something that will make him feel joy as he would be called that, he wasn't just a snake.

He was also a spider.

Their spider. 


Authors Note::

I was rewatching some of Mitch's video's, mainly the one where he trained with Phantom, and this idea popped in my head. The snek boi needs the loving after whats happened to him. And I love writing family bonding stuff.

I'm glad I'm getting back to writing, and I've been trying to write requests. But I am also a bit nervous about writing them. So I may be posting some of my ideas for one-shots for a bit intell I gather some courage to write and post your requests!

(And about requests. With the requests for ships. I'm not the biggest shipper, so I apologize if I don't get exactly what you want. I'm more of a person who likes to write Sad, Silly, Happy/cheerful, Family bonding, and fun stuff. Fun being something I'm comfortable with writing and enjoy the writing — I'm more of a family moment writer, to be honest. So I hope you understand!

Word Count (Only the Story Writing)::


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