Pranked ||FTO||

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     This One-shot hasnt been requested, it was just a random Idea in my head. Though i'd like to mention that kahtesoro helped me out with the prank ideas, and I would like to thank you for that my friend! :3


At Grimshade, it was one of those days. 

Those days being where everyone was away, either doing a quest. A meeting or hanging out with a group of friends, which was surprisingly what a guild like Grimshade could have.

This was a perfect moment for a particular person to target the guild. Nobody else was present, so he though. Why not have a little fun for when they get back?




Micheal Returned inside his office, which also included his room. Stretching as he let out the tension that built up whenever Silver decided to give him a bigger headache, then he already had.

Worst part, he was required to do more paperwork.

Though luckily, he spared time previously and organized it, so he wouldn't have to spend an extra four hours working.To his surprise, he found the papers scattered EVERYWHERE around his desk. One was even hovering in the air.

He now spent half the remaining hour questioning who done this, and doomed him to have to waste the next hours doing this torture.

And how did he not notice this upon entering..?



Viper grumbled, counting the pile of gold he gathered on the quest he finished. Slamming the money onto the table, he hissed as he only got half the pay he was promised.But being too grumpy and tired to deal with the broken deal, he grabbed the stash of acid he had in store in the crate, gulping it down.

Worst mistake of his life.

He tasted the horrible bitterness that was added inside the acid, and it sent him into a wheezing fit. And He struggled to keep himself to turn it into gaging, and then throwing up.

He managed to calm down the reaction of his body, evading throwing up. Though the strong taste was still present in his mouth. And it sent him into more unfavorable day than it was beforehand. 




Bren also returned from a quest, almost being shoved aside into the door again from Viper, who was rubbing his mouth with his wrist. A familiar scowling expression, though it was worse than it was in the morning.Bren just shrugged, and walked over to where Lily kept his beloved alcohol. To find it missing, no trace of where it had gone. To make it hit harder in his heart that it was indeed empty, there was even a mini tumbleweed that managed to make its way inside the vacant box.

What confused him now was it was somehow blowing across the box and bringing some dust along with it.




Colin winced as Zata kept bugging him, stating his worthlessness repeatedly. He was not ever giving his thought process a break, never letting him defend himself, just like every day he does.

He opened the door of his room, intending to curl up in his bed and lock himself inside to prevent Zata from hurting anybody. It was a weak attempt, but at least it was an attempt.

His intentions were spoiled as he was hit in the face with a wave of tumbling oranges. The fruit crushed him as he fell backward.He rested there, letting the smell of oranges drift into his nose. He then managed to get himself out of the pile, turning around to inspect his room.It was covered in oranges, to the ceiling. Just every corner was squished with the fruit.

His puzzlement blocked out the noise of Zata's laughter, who noticed someone watching the scene play out. But wasn't ever going to tell Colin who, it was too good to watch the boy stay bewildered.

Continuing on, Colin got broke out of his confused trance at the whine from Seek upstairs.

Walking up the stairs, Colin noticed the shape of a puddle at the crack of Seek's door. And upon entering, got hit with a wake of heat.

"My room!" Seek whimpered, grasping at the melting icicle. Attempting to restore the room back to its freezing temperature.At every corner of the room, there was a heater. Preventing Seek's attempts.

"Uhm.." Colin stared, staying at the doorway, almost afraid to enter.

Seek glanced over at him, hugging one of the melting icicles close to his body like it was his dying child. And sniffed the air, "Dude, why do you smell like oranges?"

Before Colin could answer, there was a girl like scream coming from the guild hall. Seek and Colin dropping where they we're at and going to check on Lily.

There Lily was, picking up misplaced bottles and cleaning shattered ones. She must of screamed when she first noticed the mess.

Seek and Colin, deciding to be good friends. Joined in helping her clean.




Triggerfinger and Alumos watched the pranks unfold before them. Alumos kept having to bite his lip to contain bursts of laughter at each reaction.

Pat didn't share this satisfaction. He just watched with a blanker expression than the Celestial Dragonslayer could ever put on. He was trying to prepare himself for the karma mentally. Knowing the pranks won't go away without a punishment


"its gonna be fineeee, don't worry!" Alumos grinned, in the mindscape they both shared. He leaned on Pat's shoulder, still chuckling at his actions.

"If being tortured by multiple people on end is fine to you, then I'm worried," Pat answered, stepping away from alumos and crossing his arms.

Alumos giggled, and reassured. " Trust me. We won't get caught!".

"That isn't reassuring in any shape or form, and never will be," Pat affirmed.

Alumos shrugged, and started going through a checklist of future pranks to pull on unsuspecting victims.

"This is going to be a long day.." Pat groaned, already knowing Alumos will act upon the pranks he had in store shortly.


Authors Note:

Hehe, this was fun to write, I hope you all enjoyed it! :3

Word Count (Only the Story Writing)::


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