A Fairy's Care ||FTO||

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This One-shot was requested by XxShadow_RandomxX! Thank you for requesting a one-shot, and I hope it turned out how you wanted. Enjoy! :3


Aura flew along the wind. It was early in the morning, and the sun was barely giving off enough heat to warm someone up from the chilly morning breeze blowing past. But Aura liked it, and she was sure Brandon would enjoy it as well.

Twirling past the people who made their home on Divinus Magia's island, escaping almost running into multiple times by some people who were rushing to get to their workspace. Wanting to evade the raucous racket the guild of the island was already producing at this time.

She flew down through Brandon's window, landing on the window seal. Her Wings were fluttering to maintain her balance upon the small impact the landing had caused.

What she found made the excitement in her heart sink, she observed the curled form of the Devil Slayer coughing into his hands. His skin was unnaturally pale, while his nose seems to have been running nonstop.

"Brandon, are you okay?" she flew over. Brow furrowing in worry as she landed at the Guild leader's side.

"..I-im F...F-fine...", Brandon uttered out, his voice weak and scratchy within use.

"No, it doesn't seem like it", She added. Reaching over to touch his forehead, to be stopped by Brandon's pale hand, tenderly pushing her away in refusal.

"I s-s..said I'm fine Aura, dont.. W-worry a..about m..me."

This raised Aura's worry. She could feel the inhumane heat vibrating off her friend's hand. And She needed to check his forehead to make sure. 

Brandon attempted to stop her, but gave up midway. Retracing back with a wheeze.

It was just as suspected. Aura could tell the Demon Slayer fell ill with a bad fever, and he was suffering from the illness regarding the fact he kept it unchecked by not telling anyone about it and ignoring his body's need for a break.That what hurt her the most, Brandon let himself get to the point of the fever getting worse to keep an eye on the protection of his guild.

"I'm going to get your brother." She declared, already readying to fly off. She was stopped from the begging stare and reply. Brandon gave her, "Please... d..don't get my twin. I don't want him to worry...".

She sighed, "You're an idiot, you know that? He could help you out more than I could".

Brandon chuckled gently, "I g..guess I am, t..thou..gh. I'd app..reciate..e i..f y..y..ou w..would s..s..stay."

Aura paused. She felt taken aback. She only known Brandon for about a month, and he already liked her enough that he would want her to stay with him while he's sick instead of Ritchie? Who he's known for pretty much his life, being twins and all.

"P...Please?" Brandon added.

She smiled softly and gave her answer. "Fine, but I'm helping you get back to health. You know your brother can't control the guild by himself."

Brandon nodded, seeing no reason to object.

During two days, Aura managed to nurse Brandon back to health enough. He had enough strength to walk.

And lets us just say, coming back to a gaping hole in the side of the new guildhall wasn't the best thing to arrive back to after being ill.


Author's Note::

Not going to lie, this was very enjoyable to write! And even though it may be shorter than the other ones. I'm very proud of it! :3

P.S, for requests. I'm also fine with doing mini Crossovers in one-shots, Like FTO and OoO. Or OoO and SNO. Stuff like that. Also if you want a Part 2 of a Oneshot, go ahead and ask! I don't bite (I think >:3). Though sometimes I may need help brainstorming ideas for a Part 2. 

Word Count (Only the Story Writing)::


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