Chapter 6 - You Are A Memory

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Three days later - 

Nothing happened, thankfully. 

Rai was in the room that he shared with Louis. He breathed quietly, feeling exhausted. He decided to take a nap, even if it was still afternoon, he needed that. 

He lays down on his bed. He closed his blue eyes, falling asleep. He dreamed, not having a nightmare, yet..


Rai saw someone outside. He was looking through the window. 

This guy had a rifle and was walking away. He hadn't seen them yet. 

Rai takes out his gun and aimed it at him. 

Sally puts her hand on his shoulder, gently. Then, she wrapped her arms around him, tightly. She hugs him from behind, resting her head on his back now. 

“..please don't shoot. Don't kill him. If we kill, we'll be just as bad as the others. We should be killing the walkers, not each other.” 

Rai puts his gun down, slowly. He turned around, after that. “I know this. You're right. Sorry, for almost losing myself.” 

Sally smiles, as she grabs Rai's face with her hands, gentle and nice as always. “It's alright. Just don't forget who you are, ok?” 


They walked out, quietly. 

Although, the guy still saw them. 

Rai noticed, turning around again, in a slowed way. He got in front of Sally, to protect her. 

“That backpack, give it to me.” This guy said 

“You want food, right? There's enough, we can share.” Rai replied 

“No thanks. I think that I'II just take it.” 

After saying that, the guy aims his rifle at Rai. 

“Just calm down. Violence isn't the answer.” Rai told him. It's something both him and Sally believe in, their parents taught them this. 

That guy ignored him and looked at Sally instead. “That's a pretty girl you've got behind you.” 

“Leave my sister alone.” 

This man moved his gun, putting it down, taking out a hunter knife. He grinned, one a bad person would do. 

Rai was about to be stabbed, but Sally got in front of him. She protected Rai, saving him. But, she's the one who got stabbed instead. 

That guy slitted it across her eyes and stabs her in the chest, near the heart. 

Sally falls to the ground. 

“Sally!” Rai yelled out. 

Rai grabs Sally, picking her up, into his arms. He ran away from there. 

He kept running as he heard bullets and footsteps behind him, although he didn't stop. He never did, not for anything. 


After awhile, Rai stopped running. 

It had also started raining. 

Rai falls to his knees, still holding Sally. He was staring at her wounds now. 

“'s dark and it hurts. It's so cold.” 

“I-I know. You'll be okay.” 

But, Rai knew better, just by looking at her. Sally is dying. He didn't want to admit it. He can't lose her.. 

Sally's eyes were bloody and closed. That blood was also dripping down from her chest, so close to where her heart is. She's losing too much blood. 

“I'm gonna die. Please stay alive, for me?” 

Rai looked down. “Don't talk like that. We'll fix it. Please, I can't live without you..” 

“Yes, you can.” 

“Sally, don't leave me..” 

Sally just touched Rai's face with her hands again, gently as she also smiled, like it was nothing. Her smile was always so sweet. 

“Rai, my brother, I love you. I'II miss you. Please stay yourself, if you can.” 

“I-I love you too, my sister..” 

After that, Sally's smile faded as her hands were down now. She was dead. She had died in Rai's arms. 

Rai was crying, tears falling down from his eyes. 

He stabbed her in the head, so that she wouldn't turn and become one of them. 

That guy came back, he had found Rai. 

Rai slowly looked at the guy. Rai's eyes were full of hatred, he has a look of pure anger on him as he glared. It was a dark stare. He still had tears in his blue eyes. 

“What's that look for?” This guy asked him, glaring as well. 

Rai didn't say anything, staying quiet. He shot the guy in the legs. 

That guy screamed in pain as he kneeled. 

Rai held his dead sister's corpse, close to him as he aimed his gun. 

“Just fucking die.” he said, quietly, in a low voice. 

Then, he pulled the trigger, killing the guy who murdered his sister in cold blood. 


Rai hoped wherever Sally is, that it's a happy place, like heaven. Where she can always smile with those shining bright blue eyes of hers. She was hopeful and nice, a kind soul who didn't deserve to be in a hellish world like this. 

He wakes up after that and he opened these eyes of his, slowly. He had cried in his sleep. He stared at the ceiling, thinking slightly. He stayed quiet. 

Rai was still crying. His blue eyes has tears in them. 

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