Chapter 19

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Love and Letters

Chapter 19

Once I had told my parents that Salaahtul Istikhaarah had given me positive feelings, they began planning everything for our wedding. To Is-haaq's dismay, they decided on a wedding in July as it would give us enough time to secure the venue and food for the nikkah and wedding reception.

As time went on, I found myself getting more and more short-tempered dealing with studying and wedding planning. The assignments and cases studies piled up and the wedding decisions became too much for me to deal with. On top of everything, my mother wanted me to go shopping with her to buy the things that she deemed as necessary; from clothes to toiletries to kitchenware.

It was a Saturday in March and I was one week away from tests. My patience was worn thin and my body ached with sleep deprivation. All I wanted to do was stay in my room and finish my studying, unfortunately, Suraya had different plans.

"Amani," she said like a bunny on crack once I answered the phone. "Please tell me that you are as exhausted as I am with the studying."

I sighed. "Sue. I want to die. Remind me again why I ever thought doing post-grad was such a good idea?"

"I hate myself," she moaned. "Do you want to get some ice cream and milkshakes and we can study out there?"

I looked at the mountain of notes on my table next to me and gave in. "I might as well. I need to shower first though."

"Okay, I'll pick you up in twenty minutes."

"Okay, Sue. See you then."

Twenty-five minutes later, Suraya hooted in my driveway. I picked up my school bag and reminded my mother that I was going out with Suraya as I shut the front door behind me. "You look like death," she said by way of greeting.

"I feel like death," I said as I slumped against her car seat. My bag was rested on my lap and I gave her a grateful look. "I haven't had a proper sleep in days."

"I can imagine. Your mother is excited that you are getting married and you are still balancing your studies. How are you coping?"

I scoffed. "I'm not coping at all," I replied. "These dark circles underneath my eyes are not there for fun."

"Have you been eating?" she asked as the car rolled to a stop at a stop street.

"I have to!" I grumbled moodily. "I promised Is-haaq that I would. But it's not as much as when I'm not studying. It's just that I really can't find it within me to focus on food if I have to study."

"I know, Amani, but he is right. You can get sick with not eating, but at least you are having more food now than before." She snuck a glance at me. "Are you really eating?"

I nodded. "I am. While I'm studying, I have been cutting up fruits and eating them. Or else I will keep sandwiches wrapped up."


I rolled my eyes at her. "How's your studying going? How are you managing?"

"Let's not even go there. I am exhausted and I have two days for studying break and then I have tests from Wednesday onwards. I just want this year to end. In fact," she sighed deeply. "I just want my degree."

My reply was not needed as we pulled up to our favourite food place. As soon as I got out of the car, I hugged her tightly. "You need that hug," I warned her.

"I know. You let go too soon of me."

I chuckled as we walked in and took a seat right at the back, away from anything that could distract us once we begun studying. "So," she started off as soon as we dumped the heavy bags. "How is the wedding prep going?"

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