Male hunter X werewolf reader

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Reader POV

You were in the woods looking for your next meal.  You've been exiled from your pack because you fought the position of leader and lost. You are extremely week from lack of food, it's been a week since you've caught anything to eat. After a while you collapse under a old oak tree. As you lay there, to week to move, but as you lay there you pick up a comforting sent. It reminds you of hazelnut, wood, and fresh vanilla. You soon realize it's you mate, and out of pure instinct you call out to them in a howl. Soon after you hear the crunching of boots on leaves. You look up to meet to dark brown eyes and the mussel of a gun. You simply lay you head on the ground, draw back your ears, and close your eyes. You fell something touch the fur of your head, immediately letting out a purr like sound you nussel closer. Feeling safe and exhausted, you close your eyes and drift off into sleep. 

Hunters POV

I hear a howl out in the woods and smirk. It sounds like a werewolf. I walk in the direction I heard the howl and find a werewolf collapsed under an old oak tree. I walk closer, pointing my gun at its head, ready to shoot. Right before I pull the trigger it looks up at me, it beautiful eyes boring into my own dark brown ones. When it notices my gun it seems to give me a sad look before laying its head on the ground, pining its ears back, and closing its eyes. I have the urge to touch its beautiful fur and I do. The wolf seems to let a soft purr and nuzzles closer. I simply keep petting their fur as they fall asleep. I sigh, I can't bring my self to kill them or to leave them. Very gently I pick them up bridle style. When I do this they start shifting into a human with tattered clothing. As I started walking back to my house there grip on my jacket becomes tighter as they mumbled out a soft "mate". I smile softly as I finally arrive at my house. I set them down on the couch gently and cover them with a thick blanket. I then walk into the kitchen to make them something to eat. 

Reader POV 

You woke up on a soft couch, covered in a thick blanket. You close you eyes and lay back, while letting out a soft purr. Now that your calm you notice the smell of your mate again. You attempt to get up and find them, but the moment you try to stand up you fall down. You let out a small whine as you hit the floor. You soon hear footsteps rushing to the room you in. As you look you meet they dark brown eyes of a tall male with light brown hair. " are you ok?!" He asks, clearly concerned for you. Very embarrassed you mumble out a soft "I'm fine" before looking at the ground. He walks closer and picks you up, causing you to squeak. He then gently sits you on the couch. "Stay here, I'm going to go get some food for you" he says in a soft voice while smiling at you. You nod your head and pull the covers around your shoulders. After a few moments he comes back with what smells like a bowl full of beef soup. He sits down beside you, and tries to spoon feed you. Embarrassed, you look away and refuse to eat the soup. "Come on now darling, it will help you fell better" he tries to coax. Eventually hunger gets the best of you and you let him spoon feed you. After the whole bowl of soup is gone he sets the bowl on the coffee table and pulls you into his lap. To tired to fight it you close your eyes and drift off to sleep on his warm chest, but before you do you hear a quiet chuckle and an a soft voice say " goodnight sweetheart, and by the way my name is Derek" you then fall into a peaceful slumber. 

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