Merman X hunter reader (part two)

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You hiss/growl when a price of timber falls on your leg. It's Impossible to break free, and the smoke is making you weak. You gently pull some paper and a pen out of your pocket and write an apology to you crew,then stuff it in a old whiskey bottle and throw it in the ocean. The ship gives way to the fire, you and all the burning timber fall into the ocean.

As you fall into the ocean, and the cold waters grab you in there merciless grip, your last conscious thought was how much you regret your past.

*24 hour time skip*

You wake up on cold wet ground, a cave of sorts. You attempt to move but almost scream at the pain in you leg, looking down you realize it's covered in seaweed bandages. Panting from pain, you manage to prop your back against a wall. You hear splashing in front of you but you do not look up, your too focused on trying to block out all the pain. "So...your awake" you hear a familiar voice say, it was the merman's voice. The only sound you can manage to make is something between a grunt and a whine. It seems to hurt him to see you in so much pain. "I caught some fish, I just have to make a fire" he says. You flinch back at the word fire, making your leg hurt worse and cutting your hand on a rock. He reaches out for you, and you do not fight it. "That really traumatized you didn't it." He whisper to low for you to hear. Together you sit in silence for a few moments, the he picks up the hand you had cut on a rock. "I have to get more seaweed to wrap this,  stay hear ok." You nod your head and he shoots of into the water. As you lay there you wonder why he has saved you, especially when he despised you so much on the ship. After a few moments he returns, a load of seaweed in hand. He pulls him self on the cave floor. "I need to rewrap you leg, and then your hand ok" he says in a soothing voice. You nod and he starts to take off the bandages on your leg. With fresh pain in the said leg, you need something to distract you. As you look around for something to take your mind off of the pain you notice his tail. It's very pretty and the green scales seem to Chang color as the light hits them. Without thinking you reach out to pet them. "Huh?!" He yells while slightly blushing. You freak out thinking you hurt him. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, the tail just looked so pretty!" you say quickly. He shakes his head and starts laughing. "It didn't hurt me, just surprised me" he says while laughing. You nod and blush from embarrassment. "Awww, did I embarrass you?" He asks. You nod your head and he picks you up and sits you in his lap. Even more embarrassed by this action, you burry your head in his chest. He smirks and holds you tighter. "As much as I love seeing you flustered, you need to rest" you let out a noise of protest when he tries to sit you down. Laughing softly, he lays back and lets you lay across him like a blanket. Satisfied, you close your eyes and fall asleep while smiling. The last thing you hear before going totally unconscious was "hey sweetheart, just so you know my name is Shawn"

(Sorry both parts were so long, hope it didn't make it boring. 589 words)

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