5┇failure past success

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They often say, "success comes after failure", but, the number of times Teruhashi had failed to capture his heart is uncountable. At this point in time, she might have already given up, if she wasn't Teruhashi. 

There was this once when she tried dropping a napkin in front of him. It was very old fashioned, but for a perfect pretty girl like her, Aiura was sure it would work on anyone. Well, it suddenly appeared back in her pocket after a while. It was weird, indeed. She clearly remembered dropping it, how come it came back?

It didn't matter, her plan failed anyway.

The next plan was even more peculiar, it wasn't exactly planned, but it was planned. Teruhashi didn't expect it, but Aiura surely did, and did not.

Teruhashi was simply walking in front of Saiki on the stairs, unknowingly. Though all of a sudden, she trips over. She was almost able to grasp onto the railings, but failed and only did what she could: brace for impact.  

Cliché as it is, the impact never came, but what she landed on was what she thought was a person. She somewhat expected - and hoped - it was Saiki who caught her, but upon turning around, she saw... Aiura.

They both looked at each other in confusion, puzzlement and even more so, baffled. Aiura would admit, she planned it, she saw them walking up the stairs in the future, and decided to spill some water on the floor. She had really expected Saiki to have caught Teruhashi, and she really didn't expect that... she would be the one catching her.

It all happened so quickly, Aiura was standing near the stairs a few moments ago, glancing and looking over to see how the plan went. When she heard a small yelp from Teruhashi, a part of her began celebrating her success, and while she was in her small trance of happiness, she suddenly appeared behind the frail girl.

Instinct kicked in, she caught the girl safely by the shoulders, yet she was in such a state of perplexion that she stood frozen for a while. Did she just... teleport? Where did Saiki go? Wasn't he just behind the fallen girl a few moments ago?

A small voice snapped her out of her faze. Teruhashi shyly mumbled an apology and scratched her neck as she thanked the blonde. When Aiura saw this, something popped in her heart. The close proximity with the perfect, pretty girl made her realise how bright her aura is, and how... pretty she was. It was like seeing an angel descended straight from the heavens.

Her mind suddenly shuffled through scenes of her interaction with the blue-haired girl in a moment of luxurious amazement. Teruhashi was so kind and loving... She was determined for sure, and she isn't afraid to do anything to reach her goal. Unlike Aiura, who had given up the moment she realised she couldn't do it. It made her admire the small girl... and maybe she did fancy her a little.

Aiura blushed slightly. She muttered a small 'it's okay' and immediately let go. What is this feeling inside her?

Is this... true love?

How come she didn't feel this way when she was with Saiki? Was she with the pink-haired boy purely because he's her soulmate, and nothing else?

Aiura considers herself dumb, alright. She didn't understand anything in class, but this. This feeling. This emotion; it's probably the most puzzling thing she had ever experienced since she was a fetus.


note: aiura knows about saiki's powers, but she doesn't know the full extent of it. the only few things she knows right now is a small portion of his telekineses and telepathy.

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