Chapter 5: History class

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A/n: Short Chapter hope you like it.

A/n: All pics come from the internet. I do not own them or make them. The only pic I made was the cover photo.

(Sabra's P.o.v)

(Sabra's School outfit)

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(Sabra's School outfit)

After getting done writing in my journal, I place it in my bag and then start to get dressed. I then went down stars and found everyone around the TV. 

"What's everyone doing?" I asked. I seen that everyone was upset.

"Two people are missing, we knew them." my stepmom said trying not to cry anymore.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"Don't be sweetie, its not your fault." My dad said.

" I know its not my fault, I just don't know what else to say." I say quietly.

"I know, It's best that you and David gets to school." Dad said.

We nodded and headed out the door. The drive to school was quiet. I could tell that David was upset so I decided to not say anything. When We got to school I was Bonnie, Caroline, Elena, and Stefan. I haven't talked to Stefan but I do have him in class, so that is how I know his name. 

Before getting out of the truck, I took David's hand and looked him in the eyes, " If you need anything just text me or ask. Which ever is best for you, Okay?" I say.

He nods and gets out. We go our separate ways and I head over to the girls.

"Hey Sabra" The girls greeted

"Sabra, I want you to meet Stefan. Stefan this is Sabra." Caroline says.

He reached his hand and I took it and shakes it. The feeling I had came back, I quickly recovered and said " It is nice to meet you."

I watch as he stared at me and said "It's nice to meet you as well. I do have to say that you have quiet a lovely but rare name." 

I knew why he was staring, It was because he saw me tense up. I tried to play it off as normal. "Yea my mother, she like rare names." I said.

I think Caroline saw the tension because she started to try and start a conversation. "Sabra is sorta new here to. She lived here when she was 10, but was sent to boarding school shortly after." 

"Really? I to once lived here but left when I was young. My father was in the military so we moved around a lot." He said.

"I guess we're in the same boat." I said slightly laughing. 

Before he could speak the bell range telling everyone to get to class. Everyone but Caroline had first period together. Our first period was History with Mr. Tanner. I only know him for a short time but in that short time, I can say I don't like him.  We all file into class and sat down. 

Mr. Tanner came in and started to teach. " The battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own Mystic Falls. How many Casualties resulted in this battle?" He asked

He looks over at Bonnie first "Ms.Bennett?" He called out.

Bonnie looks up and says " Um.. a lot? I'm not sure. Like a whole lot." The class laughs at her answer.

He responds saying " Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Ms. Bennett."

He then calls out Matt "Mr Donovan. would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype?"

"Its okay, Mr. Tanner, I'm cool with it." Matt says.

He then looks over at Elena and says "Hmm. Elena? Surely you can enlighten us about on of the town's most significantly historical events?"

You could tell that Elena clearly did not knowing the answer and said "I'm sorry--I don't know."

Mr.Tanner being the that jerk he was said " I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Elena, but personal excuses ended with summer break."

This angered me because he was purposefully targeting her, "There were 346 casualties, unless you're counting local civilians." Both Stefan and I said at the same time. I looked over at him and we smiled.

Mr. Tanner looked as us and said " That's correct. Mister and Miss..."

"Salvatore" Stefan said.

"Williams" I said

"Salvatore and Williams. Any relation to the original settlers here at Mystic Falls?" He asked us.

"Distant" We say together.

Mr. Tanner started to say " Well, Very good. Except, of course there were no civilian casualties in this battle." He says before turning around.

Me and Stefan looked at each other like we knew what to say next. "Actually, there were 27, sir." We said. Mr. Tanner seemed shocked that we knew that. 

Stefan and I continued " Confederate Soldiers, they fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss." We said.

Stefan added" The founder's archives are, uh, stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts. Mr.Tanner."

Everyone started to laugh. Mr.Tanner was embarrassed by this. I only Knew him one day but I knew he wasn't going to let me and especially Stefan off the hook. The bell range and we all left to go to our other classes. The rest of the day was on eventful, but at lunch Caroline did invite me and Stefan to a party that they were having later. Stefan wasn't sure if he would go but I told Caroline I would. I made the mistake of telling her that it was my first party. The earful I got could drive a monster crazy.


A/N: I do not own the Percy Jackson book characters nor do I own the vampire diaries characters.

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