Chapter 13: I do or at least I think I do

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(Elijah's P.O.V)

      After leaving Sabra at the Gilbert's residents, I headed toward  the tomb that held Katerina and Stefan Salvatore. I was a man of my word and was going to keep my word to Elena and help Stefan. I got to the tomb and moved the door. It did not take long, for Stefan and Katerina to come see what was going on. I will say I was pleased to see the reaction on Katerina's face when she saw me. 

"Elijah" She says.

"Good Evening, Katerina. Thank you for having the good sense to be frightened." I say. As much as I enjoy seeing Katerina this frightened of me, I couldn't help but think about how Sabra would react to this side of me. I suddenly got disgusted with myself, knowing that I could never allow Sabra to see such a side.

I looked over at Stefan and said " Your release has been requested."

He looked at Katerina and then questioned " What? By who?"

"The lovely Elena drives a hard bargain. However, we reached a peaceful agreement, she and I." I say. It was the truth. She would do as I say and I would protect everyone she cares about. In exchange for her help with my beloved Goddess Sabra.

"Please...come." I motioned.

"I can't" He said.

"Yes, you can. I've had the spell lifted." I say. I glanced over to Katerina and then back to Stefan. I knew that Katerina would try and run and I wasn't going to allow that. 

As expected, once Katerina knew for sure that the spell was lifted she tried to leave. I used my vampire speed to stop her before I compel her "As for you, however, you shall not exit until I say so. When Klaus comes, he'll want to know exactly where you are." 

I turn away and said "You're free to go. Elena will explain the arrangement to you. If she keeps her word, I'll keep mine." I say before walking away. 


(Sabra's P.O.V)

The last thing I remember was being with Elijah. I don't remember falling asleep but knowing how exhausted I was, it didn't surprise me.

"Hey" I heard causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

I looked over to see Elena standing in the door way. "Hey" I said

She came over and sat near me " So... You and Elijah" She said.

I gasped and said " Caroline is that you."

We busted out laughing and couldn't help but smile at the small joke.

"So how do you exactly know Elijah?" She asked.

"It's complicated. This was actually the first time him and I have meet face to face."I said.

"It sounds complicated. So are you guys a thing?" She asked.

" I honestly don't know. I want us to be a thing and i'm giving him a chance, but that may not be what fate has planned for us." I said.

"Do you love him?" She asked.

"I do or at least I think I do." I said 

"You don't sound so sure." She said.

"If you would have asked me yesterday, I would have said yes. But with what happen tonight...." I trailed off.

" What happened tonight shouldn't matter. It's alright to love him. You deserve to be loved." She said.

"Thanks Elena. If you don't mind, I'm going to get a glass of water." I said.

"I don't mind at all." She said.

I walked down stairs to the kitchen to see Jenna washing some dishes.

"Hey"I said as I reached for a glass.

"Oh hey, I need to talk to you." She said.

"Right, you said that earlier. What can I help you with?" I said as I filled my glass up with water.

"Do you remember that writer, I was telling you about?" She asked.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"He wants a tour of some historical sights and I was hoping you could come with me and help me show him the sights." She said.

I smiled a bit 'I can't believe he is really sticking to the writer disguise.'

"Of course, I'll help you. It sounds like fun anyways." I said.

"Great..." She was cut off with a sound of something falling.

We looked up at the ceiling and I guess we both had the same thought because she looked at me and said " We don't have a guestroom, would the couch be fine."

"yea that will be fine." I said.

Suddenly my phone went off and I look at the screen to see David calling.

"Sorry, I have to get this." I told Jenna.

"Its fine, I'll get that blanket." She said.

I answer the phone as I make my way to the front door.

Phone call

Me: 'Hello'

David: 'Thank goodness you answered.'

Me: 'Why? Is something wrong?'

David: ' Yes, it's been a week since you last called.'

Me: 'Sorry, I have been.... busy'

David: 'Why did you pause?'

Me: 'I didn't'

David: 'Yes, you did. why are you lying'

Me: 'I'm not'

David: 'Then why did you pause?'

Me: 'I have been planning a surprise and before you ask, you will see what it is tomorrow'

David: 'Fine'

Me: 'Fine'

David: 'Good'

Me: 'Good'

David: 'Stop that!!'

Me: 'Bye'

Phone call ended

I hung up and couldn't help but giggle. I missed my big brothers childishness. I went back inside and found that Jenna had a blanket and pillow laying on the couch. Jenna had also cut most of the lights off for me. I picked my cup up and finished my water and cut the last light off before heading to the couch to go to bed. The last thing on my mine before falling asleep was the thought of what the future would hold for all of us. The thought of Elijah was also there to.


A/N: I do not own the Percy Jackson book characters nor do I own the vampire diaries characters.

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