Chapter 15: Prisoners

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Lord Voldemort decided to leave Potter alone and left the room silently so he wouldn't wake his love. He couldn't cuddle with the boy all day when he had more pressing problems to attend to, like taking over the wizard world.

Four months had passed since the first night when Harry moved in, and they had shared the same bed since then. No one knew about their secret relationship, he made sure of that. The death eaters still didn't like Harry, simply because he was a Potter and a half blood. Stupidly they weren't aware that their own lord was also a half blood.


He was getting tired of fighting a battle that had been going on for decades, but he couldn't stop it. At this point they had to fight until they either won or died. If he told his followers about Harry they might go against him, and his position in the war was already becoming increasingly weak. Without his loyal followers the war would be lost instantly...

They had always been outnumbered against the other side. The entire wizardry world had joined forces in trying to beat him, and they were doing a fairly good job. Yes, he was much more powerful and cunning than those average wizards and witches, plus his death eaters were excellent soldiers backing him. Still, their numbers were dwindling as death eaters either got killed or arrested. Now they relied on clever plans and only attacked when they were 100% sure of a triumph. Those type of plans were becoming increasingly difficult to accomplish when they were being hunted down by wizards from all nations across the world.

His plan about using Harry to win the war had also been abandoned. For years he thought that he could manipulate the boy into becoming a weapon and kill others, but he couldn't do that to his Potter. Not anymore. In fact he couldn't let the boy anywhere close to the war in case he lost him, after the truth was revealed. That's why he banished everyone from even addressing the topic when they were around Harry. Thankfully his baby boy was blissfully ignorant and unaware of the many sins he had done.

There was hope though, his death eaters had captured two prisoners and he was going to torture them until he got some type of information that could be useful.

This day might turn out pretty okay after all.

Swiftly he arrived to the throne room where his loyal death eaters were waiting for him. The room was cold and dark, just so they could intimidate their prisoners even more. He looked at the dirty and bloody prisoners, Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks.

They were a fierce couple of aurors and it could be seen. Scars covered both of their bodies and they looked far older than they really were. Sweat glistened over Lupin's body and his clothes were torn apart to shreds. Miraculously they still hung on his body, covering the more intimate parts. Nymphadora looked just as bad, she was clearly sick and was shivering with glossy eyes, as if she was in a magical coma. None of them were crying, but they both knew that their fate was sealed. They would die today and it wouldn't be a pleasant death.

The death eaters were bloodthirsty. Being on the run for decades could make anyone a little bit crazy. Given the opportunity of torturing their enemy they enthusiastically took it. They didn't even feel guilty and why should they? These two deserved it for murdering death eaters left and right. It was our friends they killed. Our families. This was payback, revenge and karma that they deserved. Calling themselves light wizards were a joke, they were just as dark as him, only pretending to not be. His penalties of death was also much more merciful than theirs, locking wizards and witches away in Azkaban, slowly making them go insane. That slow torture was far crueler than his punishments could ever be.

He had always seen through their fake facade of goodness.

Lord Voldemort grimaced at the stench as he got close to them. Their wretched bodies were badly beaten, the evidence of an entire night's torture from his death eaters. He wasn't sure what spells they had used but the result was repulsive. The smell of rotting bodies quickly disappeared when he casted a cleaning spell. Certainly his nostrils didn't have to be abused by such filth. Satisfied with the improvement he decided to wake them up. His voice echoed eerily on the cold stone walls.



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